Multiply; Divide; Square Root; Abs(a-b); Negate - 503 bytes (3%)

§1. Unsigned divide (24 bit / 16 bit).

 24 bit dividend over 16 bit divisor, result is 24 bit quotient

 On Entry:
   X: VDU variable for 24 bit dividend
   Y: VDU variable for 16 bit divisor
 On Exit:
   24 bit quotient result has overwritten the dividend (at VDU variable X)
   carry: if set means a divide by zero error
.divide24by16bits = $bdd0
    Copy variables into zero page workspace
    STX .vduTempStoreDE                                 remember VDU variable for dividend

    Copy 24 bit dividend into zero page
    LDA .vduVariablesStart,X                            read dividend
    STA .dividend0                                      store in zp
    LDA .vduVariablesStart+1,X                          read dividend
    STA .dividend1                                      store in zp
    LDA .vduVariablesStart+2,X                          read dividend
    STA .dividend2                                      store in zp

    Copy 16 bit divisor into zero page
    LDA .vduVariablesStart,Y                            read divisor
    STA .divisor1                                       store in zp
    LDA .vduVariablesStart+1,Y                          read divisor
    STA .divisor2                                       store in zp

    Keep doubling divisor until the top bit is set
    LDX #8                                              X is 8 + number of times divisor is
    LDY #16                                             loop counter, loop up to 16 times
    LDA .divisor2                                       
    BMI .divideMain                                     branch if done already
    ASL .divisor1                                       } scale up 16 bit divisor
    ROL .divisor2                                       }
    BMI .divideMain                                     branch if done
    BNE -                                               

    If we get this far, it must be a zero divisor - so error out!
    SEC                                                 carry set = divide by zero error
    JMP .divideCopyBackQuotientResult                   

.divideMain = $be09
    At this point, X is the loop counter.
    i.e. We loop for X = 8 + number of times the divisor has been scaled up
    LDA #0                                              
    STA .divisor0                                       
    STA .quotient0                                      zero quotient (result)
    STA .quotient1                                      
    STA .quotient2                                      
.divideLoop = $be17
    temp = dividend - divisor
    LDA .dividend0                                      dividend
    SBC .divisor0                                       subtract divisor
    STA .divideTemp0                                    store temp
    LDA .dividend1                                      dividend
    SBC .divisor1                                       subtract divisor
    STA .divideTemp1                                    store temp
    LDA .dividend2                                      dividend
    SBC .divisor2                                       subtract divisor
    STA .divideTemp2                                    store temp
    BCC .divideSkip                                     

    dividend = temp
    LDY #2                                              loop counter, loop 3 times to set 3
                                                        byte dividend
    LDA .divideTemp0,Y                                  temp
    STA .dividend0,Y                                    
    BPL -                                               

.divideSkip = $be40
    ROL .quotient0                                      shift quotient
    ROL .quotient1                                      
    ROL .quotient2                                      

    LSR .divisor2                                       shift divisor
    ROR .divisor1                                       
    ROR .divisor0                                       
    BPL .divideLoop                                     

    CLC                                                 carry clear = valid result
.divideCopyBackQuotientResult = $be56
    Write quotient back into dividend VDU variables
    LDX .vduTempStoreDE                                 recall VDU variable for dividend
    LDA .quotient0                                      and write quotient into it
    STA .vduVariablesStart,X                            
    LDA .quotient1                                      
    STA .vduVariablesStart+1,X                          
    LDA .quotient2                                      
    STA .vduVariablesStart+2,X                          

§2. Absolute difference (16 bit).

 Get the absolute value of the difference between VDU variables Y and X, and store it in
 VDU variable A.

 vdu[A] = abs(vdu[Y] - vdu[X])

 On Entry:
   X,Y: VDU variables
 On Exit:
   carry is set if vdu[Y] < vdu[X]
.absDifference16 = $be6b
    STA .vduTempStoreDF                                 remember VDU variable for the result
    LDA .vduVariablesStart,Y                            
    SBC .vduVariablesStart,X                            
    STA .vduTempStoreDE                                 .vduTempStoreDE = vdu[Y]-vdu[X] (low)
    LDA .vduVariablesStart+1,Y                          
    SBC .vduVariablesStart+1,X                          

    LDX .vduTempStoreDF                                 recall VDU variable for the result
    STA .vduVariablesStart+1,X                          store high byte of result
    ROL                                                 carry = top bit (negative flag)
    LDA .vduTempStoreDE                                 
    STA .vduVariablesStart,X                            store low byte of result
    BCC .return11                                       if not negative then branch (return)

    Negate result
    LDA #0                                              
    SBC .vduVariablesStart,X                            
    STA .vduVariablesStart,X                            
    LDA #0                                              
    SBC .vduVariablesStart+1,X                          
    STA .vduVariablesStart+1,X                          
.return11 = $be9a

§3. Negation (16 bit).

 the 16 bit value in VDU variable X and place the result in VDU variable Y

 On Entry:
   X,Y are the offsets into the VDU variables to negate
.negateVDUVariableXIntoY = $be9b
    LDA #0                                              
    SBC .vduVariablesStart,X                            
    STA .vduVariablesStart,Y                            
    LDA #0                                              
    SBC .vduVariablesStart+1,X                          
    STA .vduVariablesStart+1,Y                          

§4. 16 bit multiply.

 16 bit x 16 bit unsigned multiply, 32 bit result. This is implemented by calling a 24x24
 bit multiply with the top bytes zero. [NOTE: This is far from efficient in performance!]

 On Entry:
   .multiplicand01: 16 bit number
   .multiplier01:   16 bit number
 On Exit:
   product:      48 bit result (top two bytes zero), shares memory with multiplier
.multiply16x16 = $bead
    LDA #0                                              
    STA .multiplier2                                    
    STA .multiplicand2                                  
    fall through...

§5. 24 bit multiply.

 24 bit x 24 bit unsigned multiply, 48 bit result

 On Entry:
   .multiplicand012: 24 bit number
   .multiplier012:   24 bit number
 On Exit:
   product:      48 bit result, shares memory with multiplier
.multiply24x24 = $beb5
    LSR .multiplier2                                    }
    ROR .multiplier1                                    } rotate 24 bit multiplier right
    ROR .multiplier0                                    }
    Carry contains the lowest bit of the multiplier rotated out

    LDA #0                                              }
    STA .product5                                       } zero the top half of the result
    STA .product4                                       }
    STA .product3                                       }

    LDY #23                                             loop counter: loops 24 times
.multiplyLoop = $becb
    BCC .skipAdd                                        carry contains the lowest bit from
                                                        the multiplier.
                                                        branch if not set
    LDA .multiplicand0                                  
    ADC .product3                                       
    STA .product3                                       
    LDA .multiplicand1                                  
    ADC .product4                                       product345 += multiplicand
    STA .product4                                       
    LDA .multiplicand2                                  
    ADC .product5                                       
    STA .product5                                       
.skipAdd = $bee9
    Shift the 48 bit result right
    CLC                                                 [BUG: this CLC instruction should be
                                                        removed to make
                                                              top bit set numbers produce
                                                        the correct result]
    LDX #5                                              loop counter: loops 6 times
    ROR .product0,X                                     
    BPL -                                               
    Carry contains the lowest bit of the multiplier rotated out (remember that the
    multiplier shares memory with product)

    BPL .multiplyLoop                                   

§6. 32 bit square root.

 Find square root of a 32 bit unsigned integer. [NOTE: This just falls through into the 48 bit
 square root function with the high bytes zero. This is not a good strategy for the best

 On Entry:
   .sqrtNumber0123: number to sqrt (32 bits)
 On Exit:
   .sqrtResult01: root (16 bits)
   (.sqrtRemainder0123:  32 bit remainder is unused)
.sqrt32 = $bef6
    LDA #0                                              
    STA .sqrtNumber4                                    
    STA .sqrtNumber5                                    
    fall through...

§7. 48 bit square root.

 Find square root of a 48 bit unsigned integer.

 On Entry:
   sqrtNumber012345: number to sqrt (48 bits)
 On Exit:
   sqrtResult012: root (24 bits)
   (.sqrtRemainder0123:  32 bit remainder is unused)
.sqrt48 = $befe
    LDA #0                                              
    STA .sqrtResult0                                    
    STA .sqrtResult1                                    
    STA .sqrtResult2                                    
    STA .sqrtRemainder0                                 
    STA .sqrtRemainder1                                 
    STA .sqrtRemainder2                                 
    STA .sqrtRemainder3                                 

    LDX #24                                             loop counter
.sqrt_loop = $bf17
    Shift number into remainder
    ASL .sqrtNumber0                                    
    ROL .sqrtNumber1                                    
    ROL .sqrtNumber2                                    
    ROL .sqrtNumber3                                    
    ROL .sqrtNumber4                                    
    ROL .sqrtNumber5                                    
    ROL .sqrtRemainder0                                 
    ROL .sqrtRemainder1                                 
    ROL .sqrtRemainder2                                 
    ROL .sqrtRemainder3                                 

    Shift number into remainder
    ASL .sqrtNumber0                                    
    ROL .sqrtNumber1                                    
    ROL .sqrtNumber2                                    
    ROL .sqrtNumber3                                    
    ROL .sqrtNumber4                                    
    ROL .sqrtNumber5                                    
    ROL .sqrtRemainder0                                 
    ROL .sqrtRemainder1                                 
    ROL .sqrtRemainder2                                 
    ROL .sqrtRemainder3                                 

    temp = root*2
    LDA .sqrtResult0                                    
    STA .sqrtTemp0                                      
    LDA .sqrtResult1                                    
    STA .sqrtTemp1                                      
    LDA .sqrtResult2                                    
    STA .sqrtTemp2                                      
    LDA #0                                              
    STA .sqrtTemp3                                      

    temp = temp*2 +1
    ROL .sqrtTemp0                                      
    ROL .sqrtTemp1                                      
    ROL .sqrtTemp2                                      
    ROL .sqrtTemp3                                      

    Which is bigger, temp or remainder?
    SEC                                                 temp = remainder - temp
    LDA .sqrtRemainder0                                 
    SBC .sqrtTemp0                                      
    STA .sqrtTemp0                                      
    LDA .sqrtRemainder1                                 
    SBC .sqrtTemp1                                      
    STA .sqrtTemp1                                      
    LDA .sqrtRemainder2                                 
    SBC .sqrtTemp2                                      
    STA .sqrtTemp2                                      
    LDA .sqrtRemainder3                                 
    SBC .sqrtTemp3                                      
    STA .sqrtTemp3                                      

    If temp > remainder then branch
    BCC .sqrt_next                                      if (carry clear) then branch

    remainder = temp
    STA .sqrtRemainder3                                 
    LDA .sqrtTemp2                                      
    STA .sqrtRemainder2                                 
    LDA .sqrtTemp1                                      
    STA .sqrtRemainder1                                 
    LDA .sqrtTemp0                                      
    STA .sqrtRemainder0                                 

.sqrt_next = $bfb7
    root = root * 2 + carry
    ROL .sqrtResult0                                    shift result left and add carry
    ROL .sqrtResult1                                    
    ROL .sqrtResult2                                    
    BEQ +                                               if (done 24 times) then branch

    JMP .sqrt_loop                                      loop back


    Make it relatively obvious this isn't an original 1980s Acorn version for the Electron.
    !text "Steve 2020"

.unused = $bfc7
    skip to $bfdb, filling with zeros
    !align $ffff, $bfdb, 0