Outline; Filled - 998 bytes (6%)

§1. Ellipse, outline and filled.


§2. plotEllipseOutline.

.plotEllipseOutline = $b9ea
    JSR .ellipseInitialisation                          
    JMP .startEllipseOutline                            

.ellipseOutlineLoop = $b9f0
    JSR .updateEllipseIncrementally                     move to next pixel around ellipse
.startEllipseOutline = $b9f3
    sort coordinates to find the rightmost one
    LDX #.ellipsePointCLow - .vduVariablesStart         
    LDY #.ellipsePointALow - .vduVariablesStart         
    JSR .sortCoordinatesXYByColumn                      Y is the rightmost point of
                                                        .ellipsePointC and .ellipsePointA

    LDX #.ellipseLeftPointLow - .vduVariablesStart            [NOTE: Redundant, as we load X
                                                              again below]

    plot row of pixels from left point .ellipseLeftPoint to rightmost point vdu[Y,Y+1]
    LDA .ellipseLeftPointHigh                           
    STA .ellipseCurrentOffsetXHigh                      
    LDX .ellipseLeftPointLow                            

.ellipseOutlineContinueRowLoop = $ba05
    STX .ellipseCurrentOffsetXLow                       
    JSR .outlineEllipsePlotOnePointAndReflection        

    Increment (X,.ellipseCurrentOffsetXHigh)
    BNE +                                               
    INC .ellipseCurrentOffsetXHigh                      

    If (X,.ellipseCurrentOffsetXHigh) has NOT reached the rightmost point of the row, then
    branch back
    TXA                                                 }
    CMP .vduVariablesStart,Y                            }
    LDA .ellipseCurrentOffsetXHigh                      } compare
                                                        } (X,ellipseCurrentOffsetXHigh) with
                                                        } rightmost point on row
    SBC .vduVariablesStart+1,Y                          }
    BMI .ellipseOutlineContinueRowLoop                  

    move back one pixel left
    LDY .ellipseCurrentOffsetXHigh                      
    TXA                                                 }
    BNE +                                               }
    DEY                                                 } XY--
+                                                       }
    DEX                                                 }

    store rightmost pixel on row
    STX .ellipsePointCLow                               
    STY .ellipsePointCHigh                              

    Compare XY against .ellipseRightPoint
    TXA                                                 }
    CMP .ellipseRightPointLow                           }
    TYA                                                 } if (XY >= .ellipseRightPoint) then
                                                        } branch forward
    SBC .ellipseRightPointHigh                          }
    BPL .ellipseOutlineCheckIfDone                      }

    Sort three values left to right
    LDX #.ellipsePointDLow - .vduVariablesStart         
    LDY #.ellipsePointBLow - .vduVariablesStart         
    JSR .sortCoordinatesXYByColumn                      

    LDY #.ellipsePointCLow - .vduVariablesStart         
    JSR .sortCoordinatesXYByColumn                      Y is the rightmost point of
                                                        .ellipsePointB, .ellipsePointD, and

    plot row of pixels from rightmost point .ellipseRightPoint to leftmost point vdu[Y,Y+1]
    (X,.ellipseCurrentOffsetXHigh) = .ellipseRightPoint
    LDA .ellipseRightPointHigh                          
    STA .ellipseCurrentOffsetXHigh                      
    LDA .ellipseRightPointLow                           

.ellipseOutlineContinueRowLoop2 = $ba4b
    STX .ellipseCurrentOffsetXLow                       
    JSR .outlineEllipsePlotOnePointAndReflection        

    Decrement (X,.ellipseCurrentOffsetXHigh)
    BNE +                                               
    DEC .ellipseCurrentOffsetXHigh                      

    If (X,.ellipseCurrentOffsetXHigh) has NOT reached the rightmost point of the row, then
    branch back
    SBC .vduVariablesStart,Y                            
    LDA .ellipseCurrentOffsetXHigh                      
    SBC .vduVariablesStart+1,Y                          
    BPL .ellipseOutlineContinueRowLoop2                 

.ellipseOutlineCheckIfDone = $ba65
    LDA .ellipseHalfHeightCounterHigh                   
    BPL .ellipseOutlineLoop                             if (not finished) then branch back
    JMP .finishEllipseLastRow                           

§3. Plot a filled ellipse.

.plotEllipseFilled = $ba6d
    JSR .ellipseInitialisation                          
    JMP .startFilledEllipse                             

.filledEllipseLoop = $ba73
    JSR .updateEllipseIncrementally                     move to next row

.startFilledEllipse = $ba76
    LDX #.ellipseRightPointLow - .vduVariablesStart     
    LDY #.ellipseLeftPointLow - .vduVariablesStart      
    JSR .fillEllipseOneRowAndReflection                 

    LDA .ellipseHalfHeightCounterHigh                   
    BPL .filledEllipseLoop                              

.finishEllipseLastRow = $ba82
    Increment height counter
    INC .ellipseCountHeightLow                          
    BNE +                                               
    INC .ellipseCountHeightHigh                         

    Plot final row
    LDX #.ellipsePointBLow - .vduVariablesStart         
    LDY #.ellipsePointALow - .vduVariablesStart         
    JSR .fillEllipseOneRowAndReflection                 

    JMP .setGraphicsCursorPositionAndFinishPLOT         

§4. Handles the special case of a zero height ellipse.

 Draws a single row
.zeroHeightEllipse = $ba94
    PLA                                                 take values off call stack to
    PLA                                                 end the ellipse routine early

    Plot one row
    LDA #0                                              
    STA .ellipseCountHeightLow                          
    STA .ellipseCountHeightHigh                         
    LDX #.ellipse256AspectRatioMid - .vduVariablesStart 
    LDY #.ellipsePointELow - .vduVariablesStart            where to put results
    JSR .negateVDUVariableXIntoY                        .ellipsePointE =

    LDX #.ellipse256AspectRatioMid - .vduVariablesStart 
    LDY #.vduWorkspaceCC - .vduVariablesStart           where to put results
    JSR .copyTwoBytesWithinVDUVariables                 .vduWorkspaceCC/DD =

    LDX #.vduWorkspaceCC - .vduVariablesStart           use results
    LDY #.ellipsePointELow - .vduVariablesStart         use results
    JSR .fillEllipseOneRowAndReflection                 plot one row

    Finish up
    JMP .setGraphicsCursorPositionAndFinishPLOT         

§5. Ellipse initialisation.

 Initialise variables for the ellipse routine.
 If the height of the ellipse is zero, we call a separate routine to draw the single
 row required, then manipulate the stack to early out of the ellipse routine altogether.

 .ellipseHalfHeight        = abs(top of ellipse Y - centreY)
 .ellipse256Shear          = 256*abs(top of ellipse X - centreX) / half height
 .ellipse256AspectRatio    = 256*abs(point on X axis - centreX) / half height
 .ellipseHalfHeightSquared = (half height) ^ 2
 .ellipseAccumulatedShear  = 0
 .ellipseCountOddNumbers   = 1
 .ellipseCountSquares      = 0
 JSR .updateEllipse
 JSR .updateEllipse
 .ellipseCountHeight       = 0
 .ellipsePointD            = -.ellipsePointA
 .ellipsePointC            = -.ellipsePointB

 if (.ellipseRightPoint < .ellipsePointA) {
     .ellipseRightPoint = .ellipsePointA
     .ellipseLeftPoint  = .ellipsePointD
 } else if (.ellipseLeftPoint > .ellipsePointB) {
     .ellipseLeftPoint  = .ellipsePointB
     .ellipseRightPoint = .ellipsePointC
.ellipseInitialisation = $bab6
    Calculate 256 * abs(width of ellipse on centre row)
    LDY #.vduGraphicsCursorPixelsXLow - .vduVariablesStart      X point on ellipse on centre
    LDX #.vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsXLow - .vduVariablesStart   centre of ellipse X
    LDA #.ellipse256AspectRatioMid - .vduVariablesStart         where to put results
    JSR .absDifference16                                        
    LDA #0                                                      
    STA .ellipse256AspectRatioLow                               

    Calculate half-height (distance from centre Y to top Y)
    LDY #.vdu25ParameterYLow - .vduVariablesStart               top Y
    LDX #.vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsYLow - .vduVariablesStart   centre Y
    LDA #.ellipseHalfHeightCounterLow - .vduVariablesStart      where to put results
    JSR .absDifference16                                        
    (carry set if height was negative)

    Check for special case of a zero height ellipse
    LDA .ellipseHalfHeightCounterLow                    
    ORA .ellipseHalfHeightCounterHigh                   
    BEQ .zeroHeightEllipse                              if height == 0, branch

    Remember sign (about to do signed divides)
    LDA #0                                              
    STA .ellipseSignFlag                                1 if sign of height was negative, 0

    shear = 256 * abs(topX - centreX)
    LDY #.vdu25ParameterXLow - .vduVariablesStart               top of ellipse X
    LDX #.vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsXLow - .vduVariablesStart   centre X
    LDA #.ellipse256ShearMid - .vduVariablesStart       where to put results
    JSR .absDifference16                                .ellipse256ShearMid/High = abs(top
                                                        of ellipse X - centreX)
    (carry set if height was negative)
    LDA #0                                              
    STA .ellipse256ShearLow                             

    Work out if signs differ
    EOR .ellipseSignFlag                                
    STA .ellipseSignFlag                                store 1 if signs are different, 0

    .ellipse256AspectRatioLow /= half-height
    LDX #.ellipse256AspectRatioLow - .vduVariablesStart     
    LDY #.ellipseHalfHeightCounterLow - .vduVariablesStart  divide by half-height
    JSR .divide24by16bits                                   

    LDX #.ellipse256ShearLow - .vduVariablesStart           
    LDY #.ellipseHalfHeightCounterLow - .vduVariablesStart  divide by half-height to get
    JSR .divide24by16bits                                   

    Check if signs were different
    LDA .ellipseSignFlag                                
    BEQ .signsNotDifferent                              

    Signs are different, negate shear
    LDY #$FD                                            
.negateLoop = $bb06
    LDA #0                                              
    SBC .ellipse256ShearLow - $FD,Y                     
    STA .ellipse256ShearLow - $FD,Y                     negate shear
    BNE .negateLoop                                     

.signsNotDifferent = $bb11
    .gxrTemp4567 = .ellipseHalfHeightCounter ^ 2
    LDA .ellipseHalfHeightCounterLow                    
    STA .gxrTemp1                                       
    LDA .ellipseHalfHeightCounterHigh                   
    STA .gxrTemp2                                       
    JSR .square12_into4567                              

    This loop copies the result: .ellipseHalfHeightSquared = .gxrTemp4567
    LDY #3                                              
    LDA .gxrTemp4,Y                                     
    STA .ellipseHalfHeightSquaredLow,Y                  
    BPL -                                               

    Reset 11 variables from .ellipseAccumulatedShearLow to circleN
    LDY #$0A                                            
    LDA #0                                              
    STA .ellipseAccumulatedShearLow,Y                   
    BPL -                                               

    INC .ellipseCountOddNumbersLow                      .ellipseCountOddNumbers = 1

    JSR .updateEllipse                                  
    JSR .updateEllipse                                  

    .ellipseCountHeight = 0
    LDA #0                                              
    STA .ellipseCountHeightLow                          
    STA .ellipseCountHeightHigh                         

    .ellipsePointD = -.ellipsePointA
    LDX #.ellipsePointALow - .vduVariablesStart         
    LDY #.ellipsePointDLow - .vduVariablesStart         
    JSR .negateVDUVariableXIntoY                        

    .ellipsePointC = -.ellipsePointB
    LDX #.ellipsePointBLow - .vduVariablesStart         
    LDY #.ellipsePointCLow - .vduVariablesStart         
    JSR .negateVDUVariableXIntoY                        

    Which is leftmost: .ellipseRightPoint or .ellipsePointA
    LDY #.ellipseRightPointLow - .vduVariablesStart     
    LDX #.ellipsePointALow - .vduVariablesStart         
    JSR .sortCoordinatesXYByColumn                      

    CPY #.ellipseRightPointLow - .vduVariablesStart     
    BEQ .sortOtherValues                                if (.ellipseRightPoint >=
                                                        .ellipsePointA) then branch

    .ellipsePointA is rightmost
    .ellipseRightPoint = .ellipsePointA
    LDX #.ellipsePointALow - .vduVariablesStart         
    LDY #.ellipseRightPointLow - .vduVariablesStart     
    JSR .copyTwoBytesWithinVDUVariables                 

    ellipseLeftPoint = .ellipsePointD
    LDX #.ellipsePointDLow - .vduVariablesStart         
    LDY #.ellipseLeftPointLow - .vduVariablesStart      
    JMP .copyTwoBytesWithinVDUVariables                 

.sortOtherValues = $bb6d
    Which is leftmost: ellipseLeftPoint or .ellipsePointB
    LDX #.ellipseLeftPointLow - .vduVariablesStart      
    LDY #.ellipsePointBLow - .vduVariablesStart         
    JSR .sortCoordinatesXYByColumn                      

    CPX #.ellipseLeftPointLow - .vduVariablesStart      
    BEQ .return31                                       if (.ellipseLeftPoint <=
                                                        .ellipsePointB) then branch (return)

    .ellipsePointB is leftmost
    .ellipseLeftPoint = .ellipsePointB
    LDX #.ellipsePointBLow - .vduVariablesStart         
    LDY #.ellipseLeftPointLow - .vduVariablesStart      
    JSR .copyTwoBytesWithinVDUVariables                 

    .ellipseRightPoint = .ellipsePointC
    LDX #.ellipsePointCLow - .vduVariablesStart         
    LDY #.ellipseRightPointLow - .vduVariablesStart     
    JMP .copyTwoBytesWithinVDUVariables                 

.return31 = $bb86

§6. updateEllipseIncrementally.

.updateEllipseIncrementally = $bb87
    JSR .updateEllipse                                  

    Work out which is leftmost: .ellipseRightPoint or .ellipsePointA
    LDY #.ellipseRightPointLow - .vduVariablesStart     
    LDX #.ellipsePointALow - .vduVariablesStart         
    JSR .sortCoordinatesXYByColumn                      

    CPY #.ellipseRightPointLow - .vduVariablesStart     
    BEQ .checkOtherVariables                            if (.ellipsePointA is more left than
                                                        .ellipseRightPoint) then branch

    .ellipseRightPoint = .ellipsePointA (the leftmost point)
    LDA .ellipsePointALow                               
    STA .ellipseRightPointLow                           
    LDA .ellipsePointAHigh                              
    STA .ellipseRightPointHigh                          

.checkOtherVariables = $bba2
    Work out which is leftmost: .ellipseLeftPoint or .ellipsePointBLow
    LDX #.ellipseLeftPointLow - .vduVariablesStart      
    LDY #.ellipsePointBLow - .vduVariablesStart         
    JSR .sortCoordinatesXYByColumn                      
    CPX #.ellipseLeftPointLow - .vduVariablesStart      
    BEQ .return30                                       if (.ellipseLeftPoint is more left
                                                        than .ellipsePointB) then branch

    .ellipseLeftPoint = .ellipsePointB (the leftmost point)
    LDA .ellipsePointBLow                               
    STA .ellipseLeftPointLow                            
    LDA .ellipsePointBHigh                              
    STA .ellipseLeftPointHigh                           
.return30 = $bbb9

§7. Update the current position to the next pixel around the ellipse.

 .ellipsePointC             = .ellipseLeftPoint
 .ellipsePointD             = .ellipseRightPoint
 .ellipseLeftPoint          = .ellipsePointA
 .ellipseRightPoint         = .ellipsePointB
 .sqrtNumber012345          = 65536*(.ellipseHalfHeightSquared - .ellipseCountSquares)
 .product0123               = .ellipse256AspectRatioLow * SQRT(.sqrtNumber012345)
 .ellipsePointB             = (.ellipseAccumulatedShear + .product123) / 65536   (rounded to nearest)
 .ellipsePointA             = (.ellipseAccumulatedShear - .product123) / 65536   (rounded to nearest)
 .ellipseCountSquares      += .ellipseCountOddNumbers
 .ellipseCountOddNumbers   += 2
 .ellipseAccumulatedShear  += .ellipse256Shear
 .ellipseCountHeight       += 1
 .ellipseHalfHeightCounter -= 1
.updateEllipse = $bbba
    .ellipsePointC     = .ellipseLeftPoint
    .ellipsePointD     = .ellipseRightPoint
    LDX #.ellipseLeftPointLow - .vduVariablesStart      
    LDY #.ellipsePointCLow - .vduVariablesStart         where to put result
    JSR .copyFourBytesWithinVDUVariables                

    .ellipseLeftPoint  = .ellipsePointA
    .ellipseRightPoint = .ellipsePointB
    LDX #.ellipsePointALow - .vduVariablesStart         
    LDY #.ellipseLeftPointLow - .vduVariablesStart      where to put result
    JSR .copyFourBytesWithinVDUVariables                

    .sqrtNumber012345  = 65536*(.ellipseHalfHeightSquared - .ellipseCountSquares)
    LDA .ellipseHalfHeightSquaredLow                    
    SBC .ellipseCountSquaresLow                         
    STA .sqrtNumber2                                    
    LDA .ellipseHalfHeightSquaredMid1                   
    SBC .ellipseCountSquaresMid1                        
    STA .sqrtNumber3                                    
    LDA .ellipseHalfHeightSquaredMid2                   
    SBC .ellipseCountSquaresMid2                        
    STA .sqrtNumber4                                    
    LDA .ellipseHalfHeightSquaredHigh                   
    SBC .ellipseCountSquaresHigh                        
    STA .sqrtNumber5                                    
    LDA #0                                              }
    STA .sqrtNumber1                                    } two lowest bytes are zero
    STA .sqrtNumber0                                    }

    JSR .sqrt48                                         .sqrtResult012 =

    LDA .ellipse256AspectRatioLow                       
    STA .multiplier0                                    
    LDA .ellipse256AspectRatioMid                       
    STA .multiplier1                                    
    LDA .ellipse256AspectRatioHigh                      
    STA .multiplier2                                    
    JSR .multiply24x24                                  .product0123 =
                                                        .ellipse256AspectRatio *

    .ellipsePointB = (.ellipseAccumulatedShear + .product123) / 65536   (round to nearest)
    LDA .ellipseAccumulatedShearLow                     
    ADC .product1                                       
    LDA .ellipseAccumulatedShearMid                     
    ADC .product2                                       
    STA .ellipsePointBLow                               
    LDA .ellipseAccumulatedShearHigh                    
    ADC .product3                                       
    STA .ellipsePointBHigh                              

    Round up if fraction has top bit set
    BPL +                                               
    Increment .ellipsePointB
    INC .ellipsePointBLow                               
    BNE +                                               
    INC .ellipsePointBHigh                              

    .ellipsePointA = (.ellipseAccumulatedShear - .product123) / 65536   (rounding to nearest
    LDA .ellipseAccumulatedShearLow                     
    SBC .product1                                       
    LDA .ellipseAccumulatedShearMid                     
    SBC .product2                                       
    STA .ellipsePointALow                               
    LDA .ellipseAccumulatedShearHigh                    
    SBC .product3                                       
    STA .ellipsePointAHigh                              

    Round up if fraction has top bit set
    BPL +                                               
    Increment .ellipsePointA
    INC .ellipsePointALow                               
    BNE +                                               
    INC .ellipsePointAHigh                              

    .ellipseCountSquares += .ellipseCountOddNumbers
    LDA .ellipseCountOddNumbersLow                      
    ADC .ellipseCountSquaresLow                         
    STA .ellipseCountSquaresLow                         
    LDA .ellipseCountOddNumbersMid1                     
    ADC .ellipseCountSquaresMid1                        
    STA .ellipseCountSquaresMid1                        
    LDA .ellipseCountOddNumbersMid2                     
    ADC .ellipseCountSquaresMid2                        
    STA .ellipseCountSquaresMid2                        
    LDA .ellipseCountOddNumbersHigh                     
    ADC .ellipseCountSquaresHigh                        
    STA .ellipseCountSquaresHigh                        

    ..ellipseCountOddNumbers += 2
    LDA #2                                              
    ADC .ellipseCountOddNumbersLow                      
    STA .ellipseCountOddNumbersLow                      
    BCC +                                               
    INC .ellipseCountOddNumbersMid1                     
    BNE +                                               
    INC .ellipseCountOddNumbersMid2                     
    BNE +                                               
    INC .ellipseCountOddNumbersHigh                     

    .ellipseAccumulatedShear += .ellipse256Shear
    LDA .ellipseAccumulatedShearLow                     
    ADC .ellipse256ShearLow                             
    STA .ellipseAccumulatedShearLow                     
    LDA .ellipseAccumulatedShearMid                     
    ADC .ellipse256ShearMid                             
    STA .ellipseAccumulatedShearMid                     
    LDA .ellipseAccumulatedShearHigh                    
    ADC .ellipse256ShearHigh                            
    STA .ellipseAccumulatedShearHigh                    

    Increment current height
    INC .ellipseCountHeightLow                          
    BNE +                                               
    INC .ellipseCountHeightHigh                         

    Decrement .ellipseHalfHeight
    LDA .ellipseHalfHeightCounterLow                    
    BNE +                                               
    DEC .ellipseHalfHeightCounterHigh                   
    DEC .ellipseHalfHeightCounterLow                    


§8. Draws one point of an outline ellipse, and also its reflection.

 Point is reflected through the centre point.

 On Entry:
   .ellipseCountHeight: the vertical distance from the centre of the ellipse
   X,Y preserved
.outlineEllipsePlotOnePointAndReflection = $bcc4
    STY .ellipseTempY                                   remember Y = VDU variable
    STX .ellipseTempX                                            X = VDU variable

    .plotPointX = centre of ellipseX + .ellipseCurrentOffsetX
    LDA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsXLow                 centre of ellipse X
    ADC .ellipseCurrentOffsetXLow                       
    STA .plotPointXLow                                  
    LDA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsXHigh                centre of ellipse X
    ADC .ellipseCurrentOffsetXHigh                      
    STA .plotPointXHigh                                 

    .plotPointY = centre of ellipseY + vertical distance from centre of ellipse
    LDA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsYLow                 
    ADC .ellipseCountHeightLow                          
    STA .plotPointYLow                                  
    LDA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsYHigh                
    ADC .ellipseCountHeightHigh                         
    STA .plotPointYHigh                                 

    LDX #.vduWorkspaceCC - .vduVariablesStart           
    JSR .plotPointXInternal                             

    Same as above, but reflected
    LDA .ellipseCountHeightLow                          if drawing on the centre row,
    ORA .ellipseCountHeightHigh                         don't reflect.
    BEQ .return13                                       

    .plotPointX = centre of ellipseX - .ellipseCurrentOffsetX
    LDA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsXLow                 
    SBC .ellipseCurrentOffsetXLow                       
    STA .plotPointXLow                                  
    LDA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsXHigh                
    SBC .ellipseCurrentOffsetXHigh                      
    STA .plotPointXHigh                                 

    .plotPointY = centre of ellipseX - vertical distance from centre of ellipse
    LDA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsYLow                 
    SBC .ellipseCountHeightLow                          
    STA .plotPointYLow                                  
    LDA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsYHigh                
    SBC .ellipseCountHeightHigh                         
    STA .plotPointYHigh                                 

    LDX #.vduWorkspaceCC - .vduVariablesStart           
    JSR .plotPointXInternal                             

.return13 = $bd28
    LDY .ellipseTempY                                   
    LDX .ellipseTempX                                   

§9. Fills one row of a filled ellipse, and also its reflection.

 On Entry:
   X: the VDU variable for the left edge
   Y: the VDU variable for the right edge
   .ellipseCountHeight: the current vertical distance from the centre of the ellipse
.fillEllipseOneRowAndReflection = $bd2f
    Fills one row of a filled ellipse given the extreme left and right points.
    also reflects about the centre of the ellipse to do the opposite row.
    STY .ellipseTempY                                   remember Y = right edge variable
    STX .ellipseTempX                                            X = left edge variable

    .ellipsePointE = centre of ellipseX + vdu[Y]
    LDA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsXLow                 
    ADC .vduVariablesStart,Y                            
    STA .ellipsePointELow                               
    LDA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsXHigh                
    ADC .vduVariablesStart+1,Y                          
    STA .ellipsePointEHigh                              

    .plotPointX = centre of ellipseX + vdu[X]
    LDA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsXLow                 
    ADC .vduVariablesStart,X                            
    STA .plotPointXLow                                  
    LDA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsXHigh                
    ADC .vduVariablesStart+1,X                          
    STA .plotPointXHigh                                 

    .plotPointY = centre of ellipseY + vertical distance from centre of ellipse
    .ellipseCurrentOffsetX = .plotPointY
    LDA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsYLow                 
    ADC .ellipseCountHeightLow                          
    STA .plotPointYLow                                  
    STA .ellipseCurrentOffsetXLow                       
    LDA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsYHigh                
    ADC .ellipseCountHeightHigh                         
    STA .plotPointYHigh                                 
    STA .ellipseCurrentOffsetXHigh                      

    Fill row
    LDX #.plotPointXLow - .vduVariablesStart            
    LDY #.ellipsePointELow - .vduVariablesStart         
    JSR .setMasksAndFillRow                             

    LDA .ellipseCountHeightLow                          if we are drawing a line through the
                                                        centre of the ellipse,
    ORA .ellipseCountHeightHigh                         don't draw it twice.
    BEQ .return12                                       

    Same as above, but reflected
    LDX .ellipseTempX                                   X, Y recall the same VDU variables
    LDY .ellipseTempY                                   as given at the start of the

    .ellipsePointE = centre of ellipseX - vdu[X]
    LDA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsXLow                 
    SBC .vduVariablesStart,X                            ...but access is swapped from above
    STA .ellipsePointELow                               (,X instead of ,Y and vice versa)
    LDA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsXHigh                and subtract not add
    SBC .vduVariablesStart+1,X                          
    STA .ellipsePointEHigh                              

    .plotPointX = centre of ellipseX - vdu[Y]
    LDA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsXLow                 
    SBC .vduVariablesStart,Y                            
    STA .plotPointXLow                                  
    LDA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsXHigh                
    SBC .vduVariablesStart+1,Y                          
    STA .plotPointXHigh                                 

    .plotPointY = centre of ellipseY - vertical distance from centre of ellipse
    .ellipseCurrentOffset = .plotPointY
    LDA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsYLow                 
    SBC .ellipseCountHeightLow                          [NOTE: subtract, not add circleOP
                                                        this time]
    STA .plotPointYLow                                  
    STA .ellipseCurrentOffsetXLow                       
    LDA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsYHigh                
    SBC .ellipseCountHeightHigh                         
    STA .plotPointYHigh                                 
    STA .ellipseCurrentOffsetXHigh                      

    Fill row
    LDX #.plotPointXLow - .vduVariablesStart            
    LDY #.ellipsePointELow - .vduVariablesStart         
    JSR .setMasksAndFillRow                             

.return12 = $bdcf