Common code and data used while plotting - 298 bytes (1.8%)

§1. Byte mask table.

 This table stores masks for setting the rightmost pixels of a byte in each MODE.
.plotByteMaskTable = $8a8a
    !byte %11111111                                     2 pixels per byte (MODE 2)
    !byte %01010101                                     

    !byte %11111111                                     4 pixels per byte (MODE 1 or 5)
    !byte %01110111                                     
    !byte %00110011                                     
    !byte %00010001                                     

    !byte %11111111                                     8 pixels per byte (MODE 0 or 4)
    !byte %01111111                                     
    !byte %00111111                                     
    !byte %00011111                                     
    !byte %00001111                                     
    !byte %00000111                                     
    !byte %00000011                                     
    !byte %00000001                                     

§2. Default patterns.

 Each MODE has four patterns, each pattern is eight bytes. These are the default patterns
 for each MODE.


.defaultPatterns = $8a98
    MODE 4 patterns
    !byte %10101010                                     one dot in four
    !byte %00000000                                     
    !byte %10101010                                     
    !byte %00000000                                     
    !byte %10101010                                     
    !byte %00000000                                     
    !byte %10101010                                     
    !byte %00000000                                     

    !byte %10101010                                     checkerboard
    !byte %01010101                                     
    !byte %10101010                                     
    !byte %01010101                                     
    !byte %10101010                                     
    !byte %01010101                                     
    !byte %10101010                                     
    !byte %01010101                                     

    !byte %11111111                                     three dots in four
    !byte %01010101                                     
    !byte %11111111                                     
    !byte %01010101                                     
    !byte %11111111                                     
    !byte %01010101                                     
    !byte %11111111                                     
    !byte %01010101                                     

    !byte %00010001                                     diagonal stripes
    !byte %00100010                                     
    !byte %01000100                                     
    !byte %10001000                                     
    !byte %00010001                                     
    !byte %00100010                                     
    !byte %01000100                                     
    !byte %10001000                                     

    MODE 1 and 5 patterns
    !byte $A5,$0F,$A5,$0F,$A5,$0F,$A5,$0F               one dot in four is colour 2, the
                                                        rest are colour 1
    !byte $A5,$5A,$A5,$5A,$A5,$5A,$A5,$5A               checkerboard colour 1 and 2
    !byte $F0,$5A,$F0,$5A,$F0,$5A,$F0,$5A               three dots in four are colour 2, the
                                                        other is colour 1
    !byte $F5,$FA,$F5,$FA,$F5,$FA,$F5,$FA               checkerboard colour 2 and 3

    MODE 2 patterns
    !byte $0B,$07,$0B,$07,$0B,$07,$0B,$07               checkerboard colour 1 and 2
    !byte $23,$13,$23,$13,$23,$13,$23,$13               checkerboard colour 1 and 5
    !byte $0E,$0D,$0E,$0D,$0E,$0D,$0E,$0D               checkerboard colour 3 and 2
    !byte $1F,$2F,$1F,$2F,$1F,$2F,$1F,$2F               checkerboard colour 3 and 7

    MODE 0 Patterns
    !byte $CC,$00,$CC,$00,$CC,$00,$CC,$00               one dot in four
    !byte $CC,$33,$CC,$33,$CC,$33,$CC,$33               checkerboard
    !byte $FF,$33,$FF,$33,$FF,$33,$FF,$33               three dots in four
    !byte $03,$0C,$30,$C0,$03,$0C,$30,$C0               diagonal stripes

§3. Pixel shape.

 Pixel shape is based on the current MODE, and defines the relative width and height
 of a pixel.

 Used when drawing a circle to make sure we increment appropriately for the screen resolution:
   MODE 0 has half width pixels, since there is twice as much X resolution than MODE 1
   MODE 1 and 4 are regular square pixels
   MODE 2 and 5 are double width (wide pixels)
.pixelShapeForMODE = $8b18
    MODE  0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7
    !byte $02,$00,$01,$FF,$00,$01,$FF,$FF               indexed by screen MODE
                                                        pixel shape compared to the square
                                                        pixels of MODE 1:
                                                          bit 0 set = double width
                                                          bit 1 set = half width
                                                          $FF = non-graphics mode
                                                        [NOTE: bytes 6,7 could be removed]

§4. Fill row.

 Copies the left and right X coordinates and a Y coordinate, then set graphics colour
 masks and fills the row.

 On Entry:
       X = offset into VDU variables for one extreme graphics pixel X coordinate and Y coordinate
       Y = offset into VDU variables for the other extreme graphics pixel X coordinate
.copyCoordinatesSetMasksAndFillRow = $8b20
    Copy two bytes at vdu[Y,Y+1] to .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsX
    LDA .vduVariablesStart + 0,Y                        
    STA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsXLow                 
    LDA .vduVariablesStart + 1,Y                        
    STA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsXHigh                

    Copy two bytes at vdu[X+2,X+3] to .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsY
    LDA .vduVariablesStart + 2,X                        
    STA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsYLow                 
    LDA .vduVariablesStart + 3,X                        
    STA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsYHigh                

    vdu[Y] is one extreme X coordinate
    LDY #.vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsXLow - .vduVariablesStart 
    fall through...

§5. Set graphics colour masks and fill row.

 On Entry:
       X: offset into VDU variables for one extreme graphics pixel X coordinate
       Y: offset into VDU variables for the other extreme graphics pixel X coordinate
.setMasksAndFillRow = $8b3a
    STY .vduTempStoreDE                                 remember Y
    LDA .vduVariablesStart + 2,X                        } get Y coordinate
    EOR #7                                              }
    AND #7                                              } Y = offset within cell
    TAY                                                 }
    JSR .gxrSetGraphicsColourMasks                      
    LDY .vduTempStoreDE                                 recall Y
    JMP .fillRow                                        calls OS routine to fill the row

§6. Check the given point is within the graphics window, and if so plot it.

 On Entry:
   X: offset into VDU variables for a point
.plotPointXInternal = $8b4c
    JSR .gxrCheckInBoundsThenSetScreenAddressAndSetGraphicsColourMask 
    BNE .return3                                        if (out of bounds) then return
    JMP .plotPointWithinBoundsAtY                       plot point

.return3 = $8b54

§7. Prepare to read or write a pixel.

 Check the point is in the graphics window, if so get the screen address and set the
 colour masks.

 On Entry:
   X: offset into VDU variables for a point

 On Exit:
   Z set if inside graphics window
   Z clear otherwise
.gxrCheckInBoundsThenSetScreenAddressAndSetGraphicsColourMask = $8b55
    JSR .checkPointXIsWithinGraphicsWindow              
    BNE .return3                                        failure, return with Z flag clear

.gxrSetScreenAddressAndSetGraphicsColourMask = $8b5a
    JSR .setScreenAddress                               

.gxrSetGraphicsColourMasks = $8b5d
    LDA .fillPattern,Y                                  fill pattern byte (Y is the vertical
                                                        offset 0-7 within cell)
    ORA .gcolModeMask0                                  
    EOR .gcolModeMask1                                  
    STA .vduGraphicsColourByteOR                        
    ORA .gcolModeMask2                                  
    EOR .gcolModeMask3                                  
    STA .vduGraphicsColourByteEOR                       
    LDA #0                                              success, return with Z flag set

§8. Table of routines that handle PLOT commands.

.plotTypeRoutineTable = $8b71
    !word .plotLine                         0  |  Line: Both ends, no pattern
    !word .plotLine                         2  |  Line: End omitted, no pattern
    !word .plotLine                         4  |  Line: Both ends, pattern restarts
    !word .plotLine                         6  |  Line: End omitted, pattern restarts
    !word .plotLine                         8  |  Line: Start omitted, no pattern
    !word .plotLine                        10  |  Line: Neither end, no pattern
    !word .plotLine                        12  |  Line: Start omitted, pattern continues
    !word .plotLine                        14  |  Line: Neither end, pattern continues
    !word .plotPoint                       16  |  Plot single point
    !word .plotHorizontalFillLRToNonBg     18  |  Horizontal fill left and right to
                                          non-background colour
    !word .plotTriangleFilled              20  |  Fill a triangle
    !word .plotHorizontalFillRToBg         22  |  Horizontal fill right to background colour
    !word .plotRectangleFilled             24  |  Rectangle fill
    !word .plotHorizontalFillLRToFg        26  |  Horizontal fill left and right to
                                          foreground colour
    !word .plotParallelogramFilled         28  |  Parallelogram fill
    !word .plotHorizontalFillRToNonFg      30  |  Horizontal fill right to non-foreground
    !word .floodFillToNonBg                32  |  Flood fill to non-background colour
    !word .floodFillToFg                   34  |  Flood fill to foreground colour
    !word .plotCircleOutline               36  |  Circle outline
    !word .plotCircleFilled                38  |  Circle fill
    !word .plotCircleArc                   40  |  Circle arc
    !word .plotCircleSegment               42  |  Circle segment
    !word .plotCircleSector                44  |  Circle sector
    !word .blockCopyOrMoveScreenRectangle  46  |  On screen rectangle copy or move
    !word .plotEllipseOutline              48  |  Ellipse outline
    !word .plotEllipseFilled               50  |  Ellipse fill
    !word .unknownPlot                     52  |  [unused]
    !word .unknownPlot                     54  |  [unused]
    !word .unknownPlot                     56  |  [unused]
    !word .plotSprite                      58  |  Sprite
    !word .unknownPlot                     60  |  [unused]
    !word .unknownPlot                     62  |  [unused]