Implementation of the new VDU commands - 463 bytes (2.8%)

§1. Unknown PLOT.

 For PLOT commands we don't know about, we finish up by restoring the soft character
 definitions, then send it along for other ROMs to check.
.unknownPlot = $8bb1
    JSR .copyWorkspaceCacheBackIntoCharacterDefinitons  
.passOnPLOT = $8bb4
    LDA .vdu25ParameterPlotType                         
    JMP (.vectorVDUVLow)                                

§2. Reset fill patterns and dot-dash line pattern.

 Preserves A, X, Y
.resetFillPatternsAndDotDashPattern = $8bbb
    PHA                                                 }
    TXA                                                 }
    PHA                                                 } remember A,X,Y
    TYA                                                 }
    PHA                                                 }

    JSR .resetPatternFillsToDefaults                    
    LDA #0                                              
    JSR .setDotPatternAndRepeat                         

    PLA                                                 }
    TAY                                                 }
    PLA                                                 } recall A,X,Y
    TAX                                                 }
    PLA                                                 }

§3. Intercepting VDU 22 (MODE change) and VDU 25 (PLOT command).

 The trampoline code (see Chapter 9: Trampoline code for OSWRCH) that intercepts OSWRCH sends VDU 22 (MODE) and VDU 25 (PLOT)

 On Entry:
   Carry  set  for VDU 22 (MODE change)
   Carry clear for VDU 25 (PLOT command)

  PLOT Codes              |  Effect
  $00 - $07   ( 0 -   7)  |  Line: Both ends, no pattern
  $08 - $0F   ( 8 -  15)  |  Line: End omitted, no pattern
  $10 - $17   (16 -  23)  |  Line: Both ends, pattern restarts
  $18 - $1F   (24 -  31)  |  Line: End omitted, pattern restarts
  $20 - $27   (32 -  39)  |  Line: Start omitted, no pattern
  $28 - $2F   (40 -  47)  |  Line: Neither end, no pattern
  $30 - $37   (48 -  55)  |  Line: Start omitted, pattern continues
  $38 - $3F   (56 -  63)  |  Line: Neither end, pattern continues
  $40 - $47   (64 -  71)  |  Plot single point
  $48 - $4F   (72 -  79)  |  Horizontal line fill left and right to non-background
  $50 - $57   (80 -  87)  |  Fill a triangle
  $58 - $5F   (88 -  95)  |  Horizontal line fill right to background
  $60 - $67   (96 - 103)  |  Rectangle fill
  $68 - $6F  (104 - 111)  |  Horizontal line fill left and right to foreground
  $70 - $77  (112 - 119)  |  Parallelogram fill
  $78 - $7F  (120 - 127)  |  Horizontal line fill right to non-foreground
  $80 - $87  (128 - 135)  |  Flood fill to non-background
  $88 - $8F  (136 - 143)  |  Flood fill to foreground
  $90 - $97  (144 - 151)  |  Circle outline
  $98 - $9F  (152 - 159)  |  Circle fill
  $A0 - $A7  (160 - 167)  |  Circular arc
  $A8 - $AF  (168 - 175)  |  Circular segment
  $B0 - $B7  (176 - 183)  |  Circular sector
  $B8 - $BF  (184 - 191)  |  On screen rectangle copy or move
  $C0 - $C7  (192 - 199)  |  Ellipse outline
  $C8 - $CF  (200 - 207)  |  Ellipse fill
  $D0 - $D7  (208 - 215)  |  [unused]
  $D8 - $DF  (216 - 223)  |  [unused]
  $E0 - $E7  (224 - 231)  |  [unused]
  $E8 - $EF  (232 - 239)  |  Sprite plot
  $F0 - $F7  (240 - 247)  |  [unused]
  $F8 - $FF  (248 - 255)  |  [unused]
.vdu22Or25EntryPoint = $8bce
    JSR .getPrivateWorkspaceAddress                     get workspace address
    BCS .resetFillPatternsAndDotDashPattern             if (MODE change) then branch
                                                        (to reset patterns and line style)

    LDX .vduPixelsPerByteMinusOne                       
    BEQ .passOnPLOT                                     if (not a graphics MODE) then branch

    For the duration of the PLOT command, we cache the soft font definitions from
    $0C00 - $0C66 into private workspace memory to give us memory at $C00 (a fixed
    memory location). This helps with access speed and size, and uses fewer registers
    than having to use indirect addressing to access our private workspace.

    Copy $0C00 - $0C66 into workspace[$99-$FF]
    LDA #.workspaceOffsetSoftFontCache                  
    STA .privateWorkspaceLow                            
    LDY #$66                                            loop counter
    LDA .softCharacterDefinitions,Y                     
    STA (.privateWorkspaceLow),Y                        
    BPL -                                               

    STY .privateWorkspaceLow                            reset workspace low to zero

    LDY #.workspaceOffsetHasCachedSoftCharacterDefinitions 
    LDA #$80                                            
    STA (.privateWorkspaceLow),Y                        mark as cached

    LDX #.vdu25ParameterXLow - .vduVariablesStart       X is offset to X Coordinate (low)
    JSR .plotConvertExternalRelativeCoordinatesToPixels 

    LDY #5                                              Y=5 (invalid GCOL mode)
    LDA .vdu25ParameterPlotType                         
    AND #$C3                                            check for one of (0,4,8,12,16,20,24,
    BEQ .setGraphicsCursorPositionAndFinishPLOT         if (line move relative or absolute)
                                                        then branch

    AND #3                                              check for one of (64,68,72,76,80,84,
    BEQ .skipStandardColourModes                        if (move relative or absolute for a
                                                        non-line) then branch

    DEY                                                 Y=4 (inverse colour GCOL mode)
    BCC .skipStandardColourModes                        if (logical inverse colour) then

    TAX                                                 draw using foreground colour (X=0)
                                                        or background colour (X=1)
    LDY .vduForegroundGCOLMode,X                        Y=foreground or background GCOL mode
                                                        (0=Normal, 1=OR, 2=AND, 3=EOR,
    LDA .vduForegroundGraphicsColour,X                  }
    TAX                                                 } X = foreground or background
                                                        } graphics colour

.skipStandardColourModes = $8c0d
    TYA                                                 A = GCOL mode (0=Normal, 1=OR,
                                                        2=AND, 3=EOR, 4=Invert)

    Set up mask variables for the GCOL Mode
    AND #$0F                                            make sure it is in range (0-15)
    TAY                                                 Y = GCOL mode
    LDA .gcolPlotOptionsTable,Y                         
    STA .gcolModeMask0                                  
    LDA .gcolPlotOptionsTable + 1,Y                     
    STA .gcolModeMask1                                  
    LDA .gcolPlotOptionsTable - 1,Y                     
    STA .gcolModeMask2                                  
    LDA .gcolPlotOptionsTable + 4,Y                     
    STA .gcolModeMask3                                  

    PLA                                                 A = GCOL mode top nybble
    AND #$F0                                            get top nybble
    LSR                                                 divide by two (we get multiples of 8)
    BNE .copyPattern                                    if (we want to use a pattern) then

    solid colour fill
    STX .fillPattern                                    }
    STX .fillPattern + 1                                }
    STX .fillPattern + 2                                }
    STX .fillPattern + 3                                } store solid graphics colour in
                                                        } fillPattern
    STX .fillPattern + 4                                }
    STX .fillPattern + 5                                }
    STX .fillPattern + 6                                }
    STX .fillPattern + 7                                }
    BEQ .doneCopyingPattern                             ALWAYS branch

.copyPattern = $8c46
    LDX #7                                              loop counter.
    TAY                                                 Y = 8,16,24,32 i.e. Y = (pattern 1
                                                        to 4) * 8
    DEY                                                 Y = 7,15,23,31 i.e. Y = (pattern 1
                                                        to 4) * 8 - 1
    LDA #.workspaceOffsetCurrentPatterns                
    STA .privateWorkspaceLow                            
    LDA (.privateWorkspaceLow),Y                        copy from workspace[$6C+Y]
                                                        pattern 1 = workspace[$6C to $73]
                                                        pattern 2 = workspace[$74 to $7B]
                                                        pattern 3 = workspace[$7C to $83]
                                                        pattern 4 = workspace[$84 to $8C]
    STA .fillPattern,X                                  copy to $0C00+X
    BPL -                                               loop 8 times

.doneCopyingPattern = $8c57
    LDA .vdu25ParameterPlotType                         get plot type
    AND #$F8                                            mask out the bottom three bits

    LSR                                                 } divide by four to get the offset
    LSR                                                 } within the table of PLOT routines

    TAX                                                 X = offset into array
    LDA .plotTypeRoutineTable,X                         }
    STA .vduTempStoreDA                                 } get address of routine from table
    LDA .plotTypeRoutineTable + 1,X                     }
    STA .vduTempStoreDB                                 }
    JSR .getPrivateWorkspaceAddress                     

    JMP (.vduTempStoreDA)                               call routine

§4. Move graphics cursor and finish PLOT command.

 Moves the graphics cursor by a relative amount or to an absolute position.
 Also restores the soft font definitions, since this is called at the end of each PLOT
.setGraphicsCursorPositionAndFinishPLOT = $8c6f

    Update graphics cursors:
      vduOldGraphicsCursor = vduGraphicsCursor
      vduGraphicsCursor    = vdu25Parameter
    LDX #3                                              loop counter
    LDA .vduGraphicsCursorPixelsXLow,X                  get current graphics cursor
    STA .vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsXLow,X               store in old graphics cursor
    LDA .vdu25ParameterXLow,X                           get new parameter
    STA .vduGraphicsCursorPixelsXLow,X                  store in current graphics cursor
    BPL -                                               if (still bytes to copy) then branch
                                                        (loop back)

    Copy the soft character definitions previously stored in the private workspace using
    code at .vdu22Or25EntryPoint back into the original memory at $0C00.
    Preserves X
.copyWorkspaceCacheBackIntoCharacterDefinitons = $8c80
    JSR .getPrivateWorkspaceAddress                     

    Copy memory from [workspace + $99,workspace + $FF] to [$0C00, $0C66]
    LDA #.workspaceOffsetSoftFontCache                  
    STA .privateWorkspaceLow                            start address (low)
    LDY #$66                                            loop counter
    LDA (.privateWorkspaceLow),Y                        
    STA .softCharacterDefinitions,Y                     
    BPL -                                               

    INY                                                 Y = 0
    STY .privateWorkspaceLow                            workspaceLow = 0
    TYA                                                 A = 0
    LDY #.workspaceOffsetHasCachedSoftCharacterDefinitions 
    STA (.privateWorkspaceLow),Y                        mark as not cached

§5. vdu23SChooseOrSGet.

.vdu23SChooseOrSGet = $8c9a
    LDA .vdu23NParameter                                
    BNE .vdu23SGet                                      

    Handle 'SChoose'
    LDA .vdu23SChooseOrSGetSpriteNumberParameter        
    JMP .sChooseA                                       

.vdu23SGet = $8ca5
    Check for 'SGet'
    CMP #1                                              
    BNE .vdu23Unknown                                   

    Handle 'SGet'
    LDA .vdu23SChooseOrSGetSpriteNumberParameter        
    JMP .sgetInternal                                   

.vdu23Unknown = $8caf
    LDA #27                                             VDU 27 = do nothing
    JMP .passThroughWithCarrySet                        

§6. Extended Vector VDU Routine.

 When a VDU sequence that is unknown to the OS is used, this routine executes allowing
 our code to process new VDU functionality.
.extendedVectorVDURoutine = $8cb4
    JSR .getPrivateWorkspaceAddress                     
    BCC .passThrough                                    if (already handled) then branch

    LDX .vduPixelsPerByteMinusOne                       
    BEQ .passThroughWithCarrySet                        if (non-graphics mode) then branch
    CMP #6                                              check for VDU 23,6 = dot-dash line
    BEQ .defineDotDashLine                              if (dot-dash line) then branch
    BCC .defineFullPattern                              if (full pattern) then branch

    CMP #11                                             
    BCC .passThroughWithCarrySet                        if (A < 11) then branch
    BEQ .resetPatternFillsToDefaults                    if (VDU 23,11) then branch

    CMP #16                                             check for VDU 23,{12 to 15}
    BCC .defineSimplePattern                            if (simple pattern) then branch

    CMP #27                                             
    BEQ .vdu23SChooseOrSGet                             if (VDU 23,27) then branch
    fall through...

.passThroughWithCarrySet = $8cd2
    SEC                                                 carry set means 'not yet handled'
.passThrough = $8cd3
    JSR .swapWorkspaceWithVDUVectors                    swap out our VDUV

    JSR .jumpToVDURoutine                               execute original VDU routine

    JSR .swapWorkspaceWithVDUVectors                    swap back in our VDUV


.jumpToVDURoutine = $8ce3
    JMP (.vectorVDUVLow)                                

§7. Define a dot-dash line pattern.

 The line pattern is an array of (up to) 64 on / off bits (8 bytes)


  10 REM dotted border
  20 MODE 1:VDU23,6,&54,&48,&3F,&A9,&26,&BB,&C3,&9D
  30 *FX163,242,64
  40 T%=&35:SX%=16:SY%=16
  50 FOR N%=0 TO 2
  60   MOVE 100+N%*SX%,100+N%*SY%
  70   PLOT T%,1180-N%*SX%,100+N%*SY%
  80   PLOT T%,1180-N%*SX%,924-N%*SY%
  90   PLOT T%,100+N%*SX%,924-N%*SY%
 100   PLOT T%,100+N%*SX%,100+N%*SY%
 110 NEXT
 120 VDU 23,1,0;0;0;0;:A$=GET$:VDU 23,1,1;0;0;0;
.defineDotDashLine = $8ce6
    LDY #.workspaceOffsetDotDashRepeatLength            
    LDA (.privateWorkspaceLow),Y                        
    INY                                                 workspace[dot-dash bits remaining] =
    STA (.privateWorkspaceLow),Y                        dot-dash line pattern bits remaining
    LDA #$80                                            
    STA (.privateWorkspaceLow),Y                        workspace[dot-dash bit] = $80
                                                        i.e. one bit set for reading next
                                                        bit from pattern
    ASL                                                 workspace[pattern byte] = current
    STA (.privateWorkspaceLow),Y                        within dot-dash line pattern
.defineFullPattern = $8cf8
    SEC                                                 A = 2,3,4,5,6 (2-5 = full pattern, 6
                                                        = dot-dash line pattern)
    SBC #1                                              
    ADC #.workspaceOffsetCurrentPatterns                
    DEY                                                 Y = ((A-1)*8) +
                                                        .workspaceOffsetCurrentPatterns - 1
                                                        Y = $73,$7B,$83,$8B,$93
    [NOTE: Could do this to save three bytes:
    ADC #.workspaceOffsetCurrentPatterns - 9

    LDX #7                                              
    LDA .vdu23NParameter,X                              }
    STA (.privateWorkspaceLow),Y                        }
    DEY                                                 } copy vdu parameters into the
                                                        } workspace pattern
    DEX                                                 }
    BPL -                                               }

§8. Reset all fill patterns.

.resetPatternFillsToDefaults = $8d0e
    LDA .vduCurrentScreenMODE                           
    BNE +                                               if (not MODE 0) then branch

    SBC #1                                              A = $FF [NOTE: could just LDA #255
                                                        to save a byte]
    AND #3                                              (MODE 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) AND 3 =
    ADC #1                                              (A AND 3) + 1 = (4,2,3,X,1,2,X,X)
    ASL                                                 ((A AND 3) + 1) * 32, i.e.
                                                        MODE    0,   1,   2, 3,   4,   5, 6,
                                                           A  $80, $40, $60, -, $20, $40, -,
    TAX                                                 X is the offset to the default
                                                        patterns for the current MODE

[NOTE: alternatively this is seven bytes shorter:

   !byte $80, $40, $60, $00, $20, $40

   LDY .vduCurrentScreenMODE
   LDX .offsetToDefaultTable,Y

    Copy the default patterns into the right place in the private workspace
    LDY #32                                             loop counter
    LDA #.workspaceOffsetCurrentPatterns - 1            offset in workspace to store current
                                                        patterns (minus 1)
    STA .privateWorkspaceLow                            .privateWorkspaceLow =
                                                        .workspaceOffsetCurrentPatterns - 1
    LDA .defaultPatterns - 1,X                          read default patterns from table
    STA (.privateWorkspaceLow),Y                        store 32 bytes of default patterns
                                                        in workspace at offset $6B-$8A
    BNE -                                               

§9. Define simple fill pattern.

 On Entry:
   A: pattern number 12-15
   carry clear
.defineSimplePattern = $8d31
    SBC #11                                             A = 0-3
    ADC #3                                              A = 3,11,19,27
                                                        (offset to store within workspace
                                                        [NOTE: Could be ASL:ASL:ASL:SBC #32
                                                        to save 2 bytes]

    Loop to get and mask colour information for current mode
    LDX #7                                              
    LDA .vdu23NParameter,X                              
    AND .vduNumberOfLogicalColoursMinusOne              
    STA .vduTempStoreDA                                 DA = parameter[X] AND numColours-1
    LDA .vduNumberOfLogicalColoursMinusOne              }
    AND #7                                              }
    ADC .vduTempStoreDA                                 } DA += number of colours - 1
    TAY                                                 }
    LDA .twoColourMODEParameterTable - 1,Y              look up colour data in table
    STA .vdu23NParameter,X                              parameter[X] = colour data
    DEX                                                 decrement loop counter
    BPL -                                               if(not done yet) then branch (loop

    Single or double pixels
    LDA #%01010101                                      
    LDX .vduCurrentScreenMODE                           
    BNE +                                               
    LDA #%00110011                                      MODE 0 uses double pixels
    STA .vduTempStoreDA                                 store mask

    PLA                                                 A = 3,11,19,27
    ADC #.workspaceOffsetCurrentPatterns                A = offset to store pattern within
    TAY                                                 Y = A = offset to store pattern
                                                        within workspace

    Loop to set simple pattern
    LDX #7                                              loop counter, decrements twice
    LDA .vdu23NParameter,X                              pixel value
    DEX                                                 decrement loop counter
    EOR .vdu23NParameter,X                              EOR previous pixel value
    AND .vduTempStoreDA                                 AND mask
    EOR .vdu23NParameter,X                              EOR previous pixel value
    STA (.privateWorkspaceLow),Y                        
    INY                                                 }
    INY                                                 }
    INY                                                 }
    INY                                                 }
    STA (.privateWorkspaceLow),Y                        } workspace[Y] = A
    DEY                                                 } workspace[Y+4] = A
    DEY                                                 } Y--
    DEY                                                 }
    DEY                                                 }
    DEY                                                 }
    DEX                                                 decrement loop counter
    BPL -                                               if (not done yet) then branch (loop