Single pixel and filled rectangle - 137 bytes (0.8%)

§1. Plot a point.

.plotPoint = $8dd2
    LDX #.vdu25ParameterXLow - .vduVariablesStart       
    JSR .plotPointXInternal                             
    JMP .setGraphicsCursorPositionAndFinishPLOT         

§2. Plot a filled rectangle.

 Rectangle axis aligned, defined by the bottom left and top right corner points.


.plotRectangleFilled = $8dda
    LDX #.vdu25ParameterXLow - .vduVariablesStart       PLOT point
    JSR .sortCoordinatesAsBottomLeftAndTopRight         
    JSR .plotRectangleInternal                          
    JMP .setGraphicsCursorPositionAndFinishPLOT         

§3. Plot a filled rectangle with already sorted coordinates.

 [NOTE: This doesn't clip to graphics window before filling, so the biggest rectangle
        takes 3.8 seconds:

       MODE 1:GCOL0,1:MOVE-32768,-32768:PLOT &65,32767,32767

 On Entry:
       .vduWorkspaceAB is left   coordinate of rectangle
       .vduWorkspaceCD is top    coordinate of rectangle
       .vduWorkspaceEF is right  coordinate of rectangle
       .vduWorkspaceGH is bottom coordinate of rectangle
.plotRectangleInternal = $8de5
    LDX #.vduWorkspaceC - .vduVariablesStart            
    LDY #.vduWorkspaceG - .vduVariablesStart            swap CD and GH (swaps top and bottom
    JSR .exchangeTwoVDUBytes                            

.rectangleFilledLoop = $8dec
    Fill row CD from left X coordinate AB to right X coordinate EF
    LDX #.vduWorkspaceA - .vduVariablesStart            one X coordinate
    LDY #.vduWorkspaceE - .vduVariablesStart            other X Coordinate
    JSR .copyCoordinatesSetMasksAndFillRow              fill one row

    Move down a row
    LDA .vduWorkspaceC                                  }
    BNE +                                               }
    DEC .vduWorkspaceD                                  } CD -= 1
+                                                       }
    DEC .vduWorkspaceC                                  }

    Check if we are done
    LDA .vduWorkspaceC                                  }
    CMP .vduWorkspaceG                                  }
    LDA .vduWorkspaceD                                  } compare CD with GH
    SBC .vduWorkspaceH                                  }
    BPL .rectangleFilledLoop                            } if (CD >= GH) then branch back

§4. Sort the coordinates of a given point and the current graphics cursor position.

 This results in a bottom left point and top right point.

 On Entry:
   X = offset to given point
.sortCoordinatesAsBottomLeftAndTopRight = $8e0d
    LDY #.vduGraphicsCursorPixelsXLow - .vduVariablesStart  
    JSR .gxrSortPointsXY                                sort graphics cursor and current

    Now X,Y are offsets to the topmost and bottommost points respectively

    TYA                                                 }
    PHA                                                 } store topmost point
    TXA                                                 }
    PHA                                                 } store bottommost point

    JSR .sortCoordinatesXYByColumn                      set X = leftmost point, Y =
                                                        rightmost point

    Now X,Y are the leftmost and rightmost points respectively
    PLA                                                 recall the bottommost point
    STA .gxrScratchspace3                               store in scratchspace the bottommost
    PHA                                                 push the rightmost point
    LDA .gxrScratchspace3                               get the bottommost point
    LDY #.vduWorkspaceA - .vduVariablesStart            
    JSR .copyTwoCoordinatesToY                          copy the leftmost point and the
                                                        bottommost point
    TAX                                                 X = rightmost point
    PLA                                                 A = topmost point

    Copy two bytes from X to Y
    Copy two bytes from A + 2 to Y
.copyTwoCoordinatesToY = $8e2a
    PHA                                                 remember A
    JSR .copyTwoBytesWithinVDUVariables                 
    PLA                                                 recall A
    JMP .copyTwoBytesWithinVDUVariables                 

§5. Set a pattern (or a solid colour from the current foreground or background colour).

 Stored in the eight bytes at $0C17-$0C1E

 On Entry:
       X = 0 for foreground
       X = 1 for background
 On Exit:
       gxrCurrentPattern[0...7] holds the pattern
.setupCurrentPattern = $8e35
    LDA .vduForegroundGCOLMode,X                        get foreground / background GCOL mode
    AND #$F0                                            get top bits (pattern number)
    LSR                                                 as multiples of 8 (and clears carry)
    BNE .copyCurrentPattern                             

    Copy solid foreground/background colour into current pattern
    LDY #7                                              loop counter
    LDA .vduForegroundGraphicsColour,X                  
    STA .gxrCurrentPattern,Y                            
    BPL -                                               

.copyCurrentPattern = $8e49
    Copy pattern from private workspace into current pattern memory
    ADC #.workspaceOffsetCurrentPatterns - 1            
    JSR .getPrivateWorkspaceAddress                     

    LDX #7                                              
    LDA (.privateWorkspaceLow),Y                        read from pattern
    STA .gxrCurrentPattern,X                            store in current pattern
    BPL -                                               