Register locations for memory-mapped hardware

§1. Memory Mapping.

 Addresses in the range $FC00-$FEFF are not mapped to the OS ROM as might be expected, but
 are connected to hardware devices. Consequently the CPU can communicate with hardware
 devices by reading and writing to specific addresses in this range.

 $FC00-$FCFF   - FRED      - Addresses are assigned to external devices:
                             Winchester Disc / Teletext / Prestel / IEEE488 etc
 $FD00-$FDFF   - JIM       - Access to an optional extra 64K of RAM. See .jimPage.
 $FE00-$FEFF   - SHEILA    - Read / Write hardware internal to the BBC Micro (see next

 The OS provides OSBYTE calls for user programs to access these locations.
 See .osbyte146EntryPoint.

 Unlike the Commodore 64, this region of memory is permanently assigned to memory mapped IO,
 and is not bank switchable.

 Because of this address mapping, the underlying memory in the ROM can't be read or written
 by the OS. This memory stores credits text instead. See Chapter 22: Credits.

§2. FRED.

 Accesses peripherals on the 1Mhz bus. Peripherals are allocated address ranges as follows:

   Address range      Hardware allocated           Later additions
   $FC00 - $FC0F      Test hardware                -
   $FC10 - $FC13      Teletext                     -
   $FC14 - $FC1F      Prestel                      -
   $FC20 - $FC27      IEEE 488 Interface           -
   $FC28 - $FC2F      -                            Econet (Electron)
   $FC30 - $FC3F      Cambridge Ring Interface     -
   $FC40 - $FC47      Winchester Disc              } Compact Flash Interface
   $FC48 - $FC4F      Reserved                     }
   $FC50 - $FC5F      -                            -
   $FC60 - $FC6F      Serial expansion             -
   $FC70 - $FC7F      -                            -
   $FC80 - $FC8F      Test hardware                -
   $FC90 - $FC9F      -                            -
   $FCA0 - $FCAF      -                            -
   $FCB0 - $FCBF      -                            6522 VIA (Electron)
   $FCC0 - $FCCF      -                            1770 FDC (Electron)
   $FCD0 - $FCDF      -                            -
   $FCE0 - $FCEF      -                            Tube (Electron)
   $FCF0 - $FCF7      -                            -
   $FCF8 - $FCFD      -                            RetroClinic DataCentre
   $FCFE              JIM paging register MSB      -
   $FCFF              JIM paging register LSB      -
.fredPage                                   = $FC00     

§3. JIM.

 If fitted JIM allows access to either an optional 64K of RAM or even up to 16Mb of RAM, one
 page at a time. Select which page by writing to location $FCFF (the JIM paging register)
 and if a 16 bit register is available also write to $FCFE. Then $FD00-$FDFF can be read
 or written to as RAM. Reading and writing is about half the speed of regular RAM.
.jimPage                                    = $FD00     
.jimPagedEntryPoint                         = $FDFE     at reset time, holds the address
                                                        to call to initialise JIM hardware


.sheilaPage                                 = $FE00     
.crtcAddressRegister                        = $FE00     
.crtcAddressWrite                           = $FE01     

§5. ACIA 6850, Control Register ($FE08).

 This is used for writing values. By convention (for clarity) we use the Status Register
 (See .acia6850StatusRegister below) for reading values. Even though they both refer to
 the same memory location, they have different meanings depending on whether it's being
 read or written.

     bits 0,1 - the counter divide select bits (CR0/CR1)
          %00 - divide counter by 1
          %01 - divide counter by 16                     (used for 1200 baud tape)
          %10 - divide counter by 64 (default for RS-423) (used for 300 baud tape)
          %11 - master reset
     bit 2 - set means odd parity; otherwise even parity
     bit 3 - set means 1 stop bit; otherwise 2 stop bits
     bit 4 - set means 8 bit word; otherwise 7 bit word
     bits 5,6:
          %00 - 'Request To Send' ('RTS') low, transmit interrupt disabled
          %01 - RTS low, transmit interrupt enabled
          %10 - RTS high, transmit interrupt disabled
          %11 - RTS low, break level on data output, transmit interrupt disabled
     bit 7 - enable receive data register full, overrun, DCD transition interrupts

         DCD = Data Carrier Detect interrupt occurs when the tone at the end of a cassette
               block is discontinued

     RTS low is the active state ('Request To Send')
.acia6850ControlRegister                    = $FE08     

§6. ACIA 6850, Status Register ($FE08).

 This is used for reading values. By convention (for clarity) we use the Control Register
 (See .acia6850ControlRegister above) for writing values. Even though they both refer to
 the same memory location, they have different meanings depending on whether it's being
 read or written.

     bit 0 - set when a receiver interrupt is generated
     bit 1 - set when a transmit interrupt is generated
     bit 2 - set when a Data Carrier Detect ('DCD') interrupt is generated
     bit 3 - set if the 6850 is not clear to send ('CTS')
     bit 4 - framing error     } only valid if bit 0 set
     bit 5 - receiver over run } only valid if bit 0 set
     bit 6 - parity error      } only valid if bit 0 set
     bit 7 - set if the 6850 generated the current interrupt
.acia6850StatusRegister                     = $FE08     

.acia6850DataRegister                       = $FE09     ACIA 6850, transmit / receive data
                                                        register ('TDR'/'RDR')

§7. Serial ULA, Control Register ($FE10).


     bits 0-2 - transmit rate
     bits 3-5 - receive rate
                   %000    19200 baud
                   %001     9600 baud
                   %010     4800 baud
                   %011     2400 baud
                   %100     1200 baud
                   %101      300 baud
                   %110      150 baud
                   %111       75 baud
     bit 6 - if set, the RS-423 system has control of the serial system; otherwise the cassette system has control
     bit 7 - if set, switch on the cassette motor and relay
.serialULAControlRegister                   = $FE10     Serial ULA control register

§8. Video ULA Control Register ($FE20).


 bit 0   = flash on/off
 bit 1   = teletext / normal
 bit 2/3 = number of characters per line
           %00=10 characters
           %01=20 characters
           %10=40 characters
           %11=80 characters
 bit 4   = 0 means low clock frequency,  used in MODES 4-7
           1 means high clock frequency, used in MODES 0-3
 bit 5-7 = cursor width
           %000  hide cursor
           %100  MODE 0,3,4,6
           %110  MODE 1,5
           %111  MODE 2
           %010  MODE 7
.videoULAControlRegister                    = $FE20     Video ULA control register

§9. Video ULA Palette Register ($FE21).

 Write to this register to change the palette. The top four bits define the logical colour
 field, and the bottom four bits are the physical colour EOR 7. Changing the palette is a
 little more work than you might expect however:

 16 colour MODEs (MODE 2)
 This is straightforward. Write the logical colour to the top four bits, and the physical
 colour EOR 7 in the bottom four bits.

 2 colour MODEs (MODE 0,3,4,6)
 Bit 7 defines the logical colour, but ALL combinations of bits 4-6 must be set individually
 in order to make the change properly. e.g. to change logical colour 1 to physical colour 2:

     LDA #$85
     STA .videoULAPaletteRegister
     LDA #$95
     STA .videoULAPaletteRegister
     LDA #$A5
     STA .videoULAPaletteRegister
     LDA #$B5
     STA .videoULAPaletteRegister
     LDA #$C5
     STA .videoULAPaletteRegister
     LDA #$D5
     STA .videoULAPaletteRegister
     LDA #$E5
     STA .videoULAPaletteRegister
     LDA #$F5
     STA .videoULAPaletteRegister

 4 colour MODEs (MODE 1,5)
 Bits 5 and 7 define the logical colour. But ALL combinations of bits 4 and 6 must also be
 set to make the change properly. e.g. to change logical colour 1 to physical colour 2:

     LDA #$25
     STA .videoULAPaletteRegister
     LDA #$35
     STA .videoULAPaletteRegister
     LDA #$65
     STA .videoULAPaletteRegister
     LDA #$75
     STA .videoULAPaletteRegister

 More OS friendly ways to set the palette are VDU 19; OSWORD 12 (which is faster than the
 VDU 19 sequence of calls and can be used in interrupts); or OSBYTE 155 (but this only writes
 to the ULA register once, so multiple calls are still needed as above).

 If using one of the OS friendly ways above to change the palette then the physical colours
                 0 = black             8 = flashing black-white
                 1 = red               9 = flashing red-cyan
                 2 = green            10 = flashing green-magenta
                 3 = yellow           11 = flashing yellow-blue
                 4 = blue             12 = flashing blue-yellow
                 5 = magenta          13 = flashing magenta-green
                 6 = cyan             14 = flashing cyan-red
                 7 = white            15 = flashing white-black

 If writing directly to .videoULAPaletteRegister ($FE21) then the values for the physical
 colour are different:

      value to write = physical colour from table above EOR 7.
.videoULAPaletteRegister                    = $FE21     Video ULA palette register

.romSelectRegister                          = $FE30     

§10. System VIA, Register B ($FE40).

     The bottom four bits are used for writing, and the top four bits are used for reading.
     (See .systemVIADataDirectionRegisterB)

     Values 0-15 can be written to System VIA Register B (Output):

         Value   Effect
         0       Enable sound chip
         1       Enable Read Speech
         2       Enable Write Speech
         3       Disable Keyboard auto scanning
         4       Hardware scrolling - set C0=0 (See below)
         5       Hardware scrolling - set C1=0 (See below)
         6       Turn on CAPS LOCK LED
         7       Turn on SHIFT LOCK LED
         8       Disable sound chip
         9       Disable Read Speech
         10      Disable Write Speech
         11      Enable Keyboard auto scanning
         12      Hardware scrolling - set C0=1 (See below)
         13      Hardware scrolling - set C1=1 (See below)
         14      Turn off CAPS LOCK LED
         15      Turn off SHIFT LOCK LED

  The values of C0 and C1 together determine the start scroll address for the screen:

         C0   C1      Screen       Used in
                      Address   Regular MODEs
          0    0      $4000           3
          0    1      $5800          4,5
          1    0      $6000           6
          1    1      $3000         0,1,2

 When reading from this address the top four bits are read:

 bit 7:    Speech processor 'ready' signal
 bit 6:    Speech processor 'interrupt' signal
 bit 4-5:  joystick buttons (bit is zero when button pressed)
.systemVIARegisterB                         = $FE40     System VIA Register B (Input and

§11. System VIA, Register A ($FE41).

 This register is not used. The non-handshaking variant is used instead.
 See .systemVIADataDirectionRegisterA for details.
.systemVIARegisterA                         = $FE41     System VIA Register A (Input and

§12. System VIA, Data Direction Register B ($FE42) (aka 'DDRB').

 When writing data into Register B (.systemVIARegisterB), the bits that are set on DDRB
 indicate which bits are actually written into Register B. The bits that are clear on DDRB
 are used to read from Register B.

 DDRB is only written once on startup where it is initialised to %00001111
 (see .setUpSystemVIA) and the OS expects it to remain that way. Only the bottom four bits
 of .systemVIARegisterB are used when writing, and only the upper four bits are read from
 .systemVIARegisterB. See .systemVIARegisterB.
.systemVIADataDirectionRegisterB            = $FE42     System VIA data direction register B

§13. System VIA, Data Direction Register A ($FE43) (aka 'DDRA').

 The keyboard, sound and speech systems use Data Direction Register A. Each bit of DDRA
 indicates whether data can be written or read on that bit when data is accessed via
 .systemVIARegisterANoHandshake. This is similar to DDRB. Unlike DDRB, the OS modifies
 DDRA frequently to set the appropriate bits for accessing the device (often in the IRQ
 interrupt code). Once set, data is read or written to .systemVIARegisterANoHandshake as
 needed. See .systemVIARegisterANoHandshake.

 Sound:    When outputting sound, DDRA is set to %11111111 meaning all bits of data
           that are subsequently written to .systemVIARegisterANoHandshake are output bits.
           (See .sendToSoundChipFlagsAreadyPushed)

 Speech:   For speech, DDRA is set to %00000000 (for reading) or %11111111 (for writing) as
           needed. (See .readWriteSpeechProcessorPushedFlags)

 Keyboard: When reading the keyboard, DDRA is set to (%011111111). The key to read is written
           into bits 0-6 of .systemVIARegisterANoHandshake, and the 'pressed' state of that
           key is then read from bit 7.
           (See .interrogateKeyboard)
           (See .scanKeyboard)
.systemVIADataDirectionRegisterA            = $FE43     System VIA data direction register A

§14. System VIA, Timer 1 registers ($FE44-7).

 This is a 1Mhz countdown timer. An IRQ is triggered when the timer reaches zero. The OS
 uses this timer as a 100Hz timer to update various parts of the OS. It is expected to
 remain as a 100Hz timer if the OS is to continue working properly. User VIA Timers are
 available for user programs instead.
 See .irq1CheckSystemVIA100HzTimer.

 Timer 1 can be configured in one of two modes by writing to the ACR
 (see .systemVIAAuxiliaryControlRegister):

 One-shot mode:
   .systemVIATimer1LatchLow and .systemVIATimer1CounterHigh form a 16 bit countdown value.
   Write to .systemVIATimer1LatchLow first then writing to .systemVIATimer1CounterHigh
   starts the timer. When the timer is complete a timer IRQ interrupt is generated. This
   only happens once.

 Free-run mode (aka 'Continuous interrupts'):
   .systemVIATimer1LatchLow and .systemVIATimer1LatchHigh are initialised to the initial
   timeout value for the timer. The timer starts when .systemVIATimer1CounterHigh is
   also written. Unlike one-shot mode, once the timeout interrupt has happened the counter
   is reset to the values in the latches and the process repeats. The process can be stopped
   by writing .systemVIATimer1CounterHigh, by reading .systemVIATimer1CounterLow, or by
   writing to the interrupt flag.
   This is the mode set by the OS for Timer 1 at startup. See .setUpPage2.
.systemVIATimer1CounterLow                  = $FE44     
.systemVIATimer1CounterHigh                 = $FE45     
.systemVIATimer1LatchLow                    = $FE46     
.systemVIATimer1LatchHigh                   = $FE47     

§15. System VIA, Timer 2 registers ($FE48-9).

 Timer 2 (like Timer 1) is a 1MHz countdown timer with an IRQ being generated when the
 counter reaches zero. It is used by the OS to update the Speech system if present. It also
 has two modes of operation, selected by writing to the ACR. (See .systemVIAAuxiliaryControlRegister).

 One-shot mode:
   This is similar to Timer 1 (above). Write the low byte of the timer first
   .systemVIATimer2CounterLow then writing to the high byte of the counter
   .systemVIATimer2CounterHigh starts the timer. When the timer is countdown reaches zero
   a timer IRQ interrupt is generated. This only happens once.

 Pulse counting mode:
   This is unlike Timer 1. It counts down the number of negative going pulses applied to
   System VIA input pin PB6. Firstly write to .systemVIATimer2CounterLow, then writing to
   .systemVIATimer2CounterHigh will start the countdown. When PB6 is pulsed low for the
   appropriate number of times then an IRQ interrupt occurs. This only happens once. This
   is the default mode as initialised at startup.

 Timer 2 is started by the Speech system (if present) as needed to time Speech. The timer
 is cleared by the OS when a Timer 2 IRQ is received (see .irq1CheckSystemVIASpeech).
 It is also cleared at startup. See .setUpPage2.
.systemVIATimer2CounterLow                  = $FE48     
.systemVIATimer2CounterHigh                 = $FE49     

§16. The System VIA, Shift Register ($FE4A).

 This is not used in this OS. It is designed to be used for serial data I/O by shifting
 bits one at a time under the control of an internal modulo-8 counter.
 See NAUG Section 22.4.9, Page 395.
.systemVIAShiftRegister                     = $FE4A     

§17. System VIA, Auxiliary Control Register ($FE4B) (aka 'ACR').

 bit 0:    PA latch enable
 bit 1:    PB latch enable
 bits 2-4: Shift register mode
 bit 5:    Timer 2 mode: 0=One-shot mode; 1=Pulse counting mode.
 bit 6:    Timer 1 mode: 0=One shot mode; 1=Free-run mode.
 bit 7:    Enable pulsing of System VIA output pin PB7.
           When enabled, Timer 1 will set PB7 as follows:
           In One-shot mode:
               PB7 is cleared when Timer 1 started,
               PB7 is set when Timer 1 one-shot mode times out.
           In Free-run mode:
               PB7 is inverted when Timer 1 times out.

 In the reset code (see .setUpPage2) this register is initialised to:

   (a) disable the latches and the shift register,
   (b) set Timer 2 as an interval timer,
   (c) set Timer 1 as free-run mode (aka continuous interrupts).

 Otherwise this register is not used by the OS.

 See NAUG Section 22.4.8, Page 395.
.systemVIAAuxiliaryControlRegister          = $FE4B     

§18. System VIA, Peripheral Control Register ($FE4C) (aka 'PCR').

 bit 0    = CA1 interrupt control
            Writing to CA1 means "data taken"
            0 means negative active edge
            1 means positive active edge

 bits 1-3 = CA2 control mode
            CA2 signifies "data ready"

 bit 4    = CB1 interrupt control
            Writing to CB1 means "data taken"
            0 means negative active edge
            1 means positive active edge

 bits 5-7 = CB2 control mode
            CB2 signifies "data ready"

 control mode:
   000 = negative edges active on input
   001 = independent interrupt; input negative edge
   010 = positive edges active on input
   011 = independent interrupt; input positive edge
   100 = handshake output mode
   101 = pulse output mode
   110 = low output
   111 = high output

 The System VIA PCR initialises like so (See .setUpPage2):
       CA1 has negative active edge       (vertical sync)
       CA2 positive edges active on input (keyboard)
       CB1 has negative active edge       (end of analogue conversion)
       CB2 negative active edges on input (light pen strobe)
.systemVIAPeripheralControlRegister         = $FE4C     

§19. System VIA, Interrupt Flag Register ($FE4D) (aka 'IFR').

   bit 0 = key pressed
   bit 1 = vertical sync occurred
   bit 2 = shift register timeout (unused)
   bit 3 = lightpen strobe off screen
   bit 4 = analogue conversion completed
   bit 5 = timer 2 has timed out (used for speech)
   bit 6 = timer 1 has timed out (100Hz signal)
   bit 7 = (when reading) master interrupt flag (0-6 invalid if clear)

 Used in interrupt code:

 If bit 7 is set then the System VIA caused the current interrupt. The remaining bits can
 then be checked to see the exact cause.

 Clear bit 7 and set a bit 0-6 to clear that interrupt.
.systemVIAInterruptFlagRegister             = $FE4D     

§20. System VIA, Interrupt Enable Register ($FE4E) (aka 'IER').

 Each bit controls whether an interrupt is enabled or disabled.

 bit 0 = key pressed
 bit 1 = vertical sync occurred
 bit 2 = shift register timeout (unused)
 bit 3 = light pen strobe off screen
 bit 4 = analogue conversion completed
 bit 5 = timer 2 timed out (used for speech)
 bit 6 = timer 1 timed out (100Hz signal)
 bit 7 = enable/disable interrupt value (see below)

 To enable  an interrupt, write a byte with bit 7 set   and set the desired bit(s) (0-6).
 To disable an interrupt, write a byte with bit 7 clear and set the desired bit(s) (0-6).

 Bits 0-6 are read as expected.
 Bit 7 is always set when read.
.systemVIAInterruptEnableRegister           = $FE4E     

See .systemVIADataDirectionRegisterA.
.systemVIARegisterANoHandshake              = $FE4F     System VIA Register A without

§21. User VIA.

 Port A is the (Centronics) parallel printer port (output only)
 Port B is the user port (input and output) (unused by the OS)

 See .openPrinterChannel for details of how to write to the printer.

 The data direction registers work as they do on the System VIA
 (see .systemVIADataDirectionRegisterB)

 The User VIA has Timer 1 and Timer 2. They work in the same way as the timers on the
 System VIA. These are not used by the OS so are available for user programs.
 See .systemVIATimer1CounterLow.
 See .systemVIATimer2CounterLow.

 The auxiliary control register works the same way as on the System VIA.
 See .systemVIAAuxiliaryControlRegister.

 The shift register is unused.
.userVIARegisterB                           = $FE60     Register B (input/output)
.userVIARegisterA                           = $FE61     Register A (output)
.userVIADataDirectionRegisterB              = $FE62     data direction register B
.userVIADataDirectionRegisterA              = $FE63     data direction register A

.userVIATimer1CounterLow                    = $FE64     Timer 1 counter (low)
.userVIATimer1CounterHigh                   = $FE65     Timer 1 counter (high)
.userVIATimer1LatchLow                      = $FE66     Timer 1 latch (low)
.userVIATimer1LatchHigh                     = $FE67     Timer 1 latch (high)
.userVIATimer2CounterLow                    = $FE68     Timer 2 counter (low)
.userVIATimer2CounterHigh                   = $FE69     Timer 2 counter (high)

.userVIAShiftRegister                       = $FE6A     shift register
.userVIAAuxiliaryControlRegister            = $FE6B     auxiliary control register

§22. User VIA, peripheral control register ($FE6C).

 This works the same as on the System VIA (See .systemVIAPeripheralControlRegister).

 The User VIA PCR initialises like so (See .setUpPage2):
           CA1 interrupt on -ve edge     (usually printer Acknowledge)
           CA2 high output               (usually printer strobe)
           CB1 interrupt on -ve edge     (user port)
           CB2 negative edge             (user port)
.userVIAPeripheralControlRegister           = $FE6C     Peripheral control register

§23. User VIA, interrupt flag register ($FE6D).

 bit 1 = printer interrupt
 bit 5 = timer 2 timed out interrupt
 bit 6 = timer 1 timed out interrupt

 Clear bit 7 to clear each of the interrupts indicated by the other set bits.
 Or set bit 7 to raise each of the interrupts.
   e.g. To clear a printer interrupt, clear bit 7 and set bit 1

 bit 1 set signifies a parallel printer interrupt.
 bit 5 set signifies timer 2 timed out
 bit 6 set signifies timer 1 timed out
 bit 7 set means the current interrupt is from the User VIA
 (See .irq1CheckUserVIA)
.userVIAInterruptFlagRegister               = $FE6D     Interrupt flag register

§24. User VIA, interrupt enable register ($FE6E).

 bit 1 = printer interrupt
 bit 5 = timer 2 timed out interrupt
 bit 6 = timer 1 timed out interrupt

 Clear bit 7 to disable each of the interrupts indicated by the other set bits.
 Or set bit 7 to enable each of the interrupts.

 e.g. To disable printer interrupts, clear bit 7 and set bit 1
      To  enable printer interrupts,   set bit 7 and set bit 1

 bit 7 is always read as set when reading.
 (See .irq1CheckUserVIA)
.userVIAInterruptEnableRegister             = $FE6E     Interrupt enable register

§25. User VIA, Register B no handshake ($FE6F).

.userVIARegisterBNoHandshake                = $FE6F     Register B but no handshake

§26. ADC 7002 - Analogue to digital conversion.

 See .osbyte17EntryPoint
.adcDataStatusRegister                      = $FEC0     For reading the current ADC
                                                        conversion state
.adcStartConversionRegister                 = $FEC0     For writing when we want to start
                                                        an ADC conversion
.adcDataHighByte                            = $FEC1     ADC (7002) high data byte
.adcDataLowByte                             = $FEC2     ADC (7002) low data byte

§27. The Tube - Registers.

 See NAUG Section 18.3, Page 328
.tubeULAStatusRegister                      = $FEE0     Tube ULA Status Register
.tubeULADataRegister3                       = $FEE5