The memory layout and constants

§1. Constants.

 The following sections list all the constants used. This is followed by the memory
 addresses used, see .fileWorkspaceA.

§2. Characters (VDU codes).

.charBELL                                   = 7         (CTRL-G)
.charBACKSPACE                              = 8         
.charLINEFEED                               = 10        
.charRETURN                                 = 13        
.charDisableVDUOrDeleteLine                 = 21        (CTRL-U)
.charESCAPE                                 = 27        
.charSPACE                                  = 32        
.charEXCLAMATIONMARK                        = 33        !
.charDOUBLEQUOTE                            = 34        "
.charSTAR                                   = 42        *
.charPLUS                                   = 43        +
.charCOMMA                                  = 44        ,
.charDOT                                    = 46        .
.charFORWARDSLASH                           = 47        /
.charZERO                                   = 48        0
.charNINE                                   = 57        9
.charQUESTIONMARK                           = 63        ?
.charAT                                     = 64        @
.charA                                      = 65        A
.charF                                      = 70        F
.charZ                                      = 90        Z
.charUNDERSCORE                             = 95        _
.charPOUND                                  = 96        £
.charBAR                                    = 124       |
.charDELETE                                 = 127       
.charCOPY                                   = $87       (character equivalent of the COPY
.charKEY10                                  = $CA       (character equivalent of code used
                                                        for *KEY 10)

§3. Internal key codes.

 The internal key code for the space bar is inserted into the first key pressed
 (.firstKeyPressedInternal) on RESET. Otherwise, for example if SHIFT remained in the
 'first key pressed' after a RESET then the next key press might be misinterpreted as a
 SHIFTed character.

 In general the internal key codes are converted to ASCII style codes using a table lookup,
 see .getASCIICode
.internalKeyNumberSPACEBAR                  = $62       

§4. Buffer numbers.

 See NAUG Section 9, Page 136

                                Address         Empty     Start      End
         Buffer number          Range           Flag      pointer    pointer   Size
         0 = Keyboard           $03E0-$03FF     $02CF     $02D8      $02E1       32 bytes
         1 = RS-423 Input       $0A00-$0AFF     $02D0     $02D9      $02E2      256 bytes
         2 = RS-423 Output      $0900-$09BF     $02D1     $02DA      $02E3      192 bytes
         3 = Printer            $0880-$08BF     $02D2     $02DB      $02E4       64 bytes
         4 = Sound Channel 0    $0840-$084F     $02D3     $02DC      $02E5       16 bytes
         5 = Sound Channel 1    $0850-$085F     $02D4     $02DD      $02E6       16 bytes
         6 = Sound Channel 2    $0860-$086F     $02D5     $02DE      $02E7       16 bytes
         7 = Sound Channel 3    $0870-$087F     $02D6     $02DF      $02E8       16 bytes
         8 = Speech             $08C0-$08FF     $02D7     $02E0      $02E9       64 bytes
.bufferNumberKeyboard                       = 0         
.bufferNumberRS423Input                     = 1         
.bufferNumberRS423Output                    = 2         
.bufferNumberPrinter                        = 3         
.bufferNumberSound0                         = 4         Noise channel
.bufferNumberSound1                         = 5         
.bufferNumberSound2                         = 6         
.bufferNumberSound3                         = 7         
.bufferNumberSpeech                         = 8         
.bufferNumberHighest                        = 8         

Buffer offsets. When we add the buffer length it sums to 256.
.keyboardInputBufferOffset                  = 256 - 32   32 bytes
.tapeOrRS423InputBufferOffset               = 256 - 256 256 bytes
.rs423OutputBufferOffset                    = 256 - 192 192 bytes
.printerBufferOffset                        = 256 - 64   64 bytes
.soundChannel0BufferOffset                  = 256 - 16   16 bytes
.soundChannel1BufferOffset                  = 256 - 16   16 bytes
.soundChannel2BufferOffset                  = 256 - 16   16 bytes
.soundChannel3BufferOffset                  = 256 - 16   16 bytes
.speechBufferOffset                         = 256 - 64   64 bytes

§5. Event Types.

 For information on Events see .eventEntryPoint
.eventOutputBufferBecomesEmpty              = 0         X = buffer number
.eventInputBufferBecomesFull                = 1         X = buffer number, Y = character
                                                        that can't be inserted
.eventCharacterEnteringInputBuffer          = 2         Y = ASCII value of character
.eventADCConversionComplete                 = 3         Y = ADC channel number
.eventStartOfVSync                          = 4         
.eventIntervalTimerCrossingZero             = 5         as used by OSWORD 3 / OSWORD 4
.eventESCAPEConditionDetected               = 6         
.eventRS423ErrorDetected                    = 7         X = ACIA 6850 status register
                                                        shifted right once
                                                        (see .acia6850StatusRegister)
                                                        Y = character received
.eventEconetEvent                           = 8         Econet event detected
.eventUserEvent                             = 9         For user events

§6. CRTC registers.


 These 18 registers are mostly write only
 See NAUG Section 13.3.3, Page 190

 Register  Description                             Default value for MODE
                                              0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
 R0        Horizontal total                 127   127   127   127    63    63    63    63
 R1        Characters per line               80    80    80    80    40    40    40    40
 R2        Horizontal sync position          98    98    98    98    49    49    49    51
 R3        Horizontal sync width (bits 0-3)   8     8     8     8     4     4     4     4
           + Vertical sync width (bits 4-7)   2     2     2     2     2     2     2     2
 R4        Vertical total                    38    38    38    30    38    38    30    30
 R5        Vertical total adjust              0     0     0     2     0     0     2     2
 R6        Vertical displayed characters     32    32    32    25    32    32    25    25
 R7        Vertical sync position            34    34    34    27    34    34    27    27
 R8        Interlace mode (bits 0,1)          1     1     1     1     1     1     1     3
           + Display delay (bits 4,5)         0     0     0     0     0     0     0     1
           + Cursor delay (bits 6,7)          0     0     0     0     0     0     0     2
 R9        Scan lines per character           7     7     7     9     7     7     9    18
 R10       Cursor start (bits 0-4)            7     7     7     7     7     7     7    18
           Cursor type (bit 5)                1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1
           Cursor blink (bit 6)               1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1
 R11       Cursor end                         8     8     8     9     8     8     9    19
 R12,R13   Screen start address / 8           -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
 R14,R15   Cursor position                    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
 R16,R17   Light pen position                 -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -

 R0    = The total number of 'character time units' across the screen - 1 (including
         non-displayed characters)
 R1    = Number of displayed characters across the screen
 R2    = Horizontal sync pulse (changing this moves the screen left/right)
 R3    = Horz/Vert sync pulse width. Not advisable to change since most TVs/monitors require
         the standard values.
 R4/R5 = (Integer) number of character rows (R4) + (fractional) number of scan lines (R5)
         to make a 50Hz refresh rate.
 R6    = Number of displayed character rows
 R7    = Vertical sync position in character rows (moves display up and down by character
         rows. Used by *TV)
 R8    = bits 0-1 = interlacing (0 or 2 = non interlaced; 1 = interlaced; 2 = interlace and
         video for MODE 7 support)
         bits 2-3 = unused
         bits 4-5 = display blanking delay (0 = no delay; 1 = one character delay; 2 = two
         character delay; 3 = disable video output)
         bits 6-7 = cursor blanking delay (0 = No delay; 1 = one character delay; 2 = two
         character delay; 3 = disable cursor output)
 R9    = scan lines per character - 1
 R10   = cursor start register
           bit 7 = unused
           bit 6 = enable / disable blinking
           bit 5 = blink rate (fast when set)
           bits 0-4 = cursor start scan line
 R11   = bits 0-4 = cursor end scan line
 R12/R13 = When setting R12/R13 the value to set is related to the screen start address as

 MODE 0-6: set (screen address / 8)
   MODE 7: set (screen address - $7400 EOR $2000)

 The same logic applies to setting R14/R15 (cursor position)

 R16/R17 = light pen position. See NAUG Section 13.3.9, Page 196.

 The CRTC registers can be set directly by writing to memory mapped IO. Write the register
 to change in .crtcAddressRegister ($FE00) then write the new value in .crtcAddressWrite
 ($FE01). (The OS sets these registers in .setCRTCRegisterDirect and .setTwoCRTCRegisters)

 A more OS friendly method is to use "VDU 23,0,R,V,0,0,0,0,0,0" to set register R to value V.
.crtcHorizontalTotalRegister                = 0         
.crtcHorizontalDisplayedRegister            = 1         
.crtcHorizontalSyncPositionRegister         = 2         
.crtcSyncWidthRegister                      = 3         
.crtcVerticalTotalRegister                  = 4         
.crtcVerticalTotalAdjustRegister            = 5         
.crtcVerticalDisplayedCharactersRegister    = 6         
.crtcVerticalSyncPositionRegister           = 7         
.crtcInterlaceAndDelayRegister              = 8         
.crtcScanLinesPerCharacterRegister          = 9         
.crtcCursorStartRegister                    = 10        
.crtcCursorEndRegister                      = 11        
.crtcStartScreenAddressHighRegister         = 12        
.crtcStartScreenAddressLowRegister          = 13        
.crtcCursorPositionHighRegister             = 14        
.crtcCursorPositionLowRegister              = 15        
.crtcLightPenPositionHighRegister           = 16        
.crtcLightPenPositionLowRegister            = 17        

§7. Paged ROM service calls.

 See NAUG Section 17, Page 295
 See .osbyte143EntryPoint
.romServiceCallAbsoluteWorkspaceClaim          = $01    memory used only when ROM is paged in
.romServiceCallPrivateWorkspaceClaim           = $02    memory used even when ROM is not
                                                        paged in
.romServiceCallAutoBoot                        = $03    
.romServiceCallUnrecognisedCommand             = $04    star command not recognised
.romServiceCallUnrecognisedInterrupt           = $05    
.romServiceCallBreakInstruction                = $06    
.romServiceCallUnrecognisedOSBYTE              = $07    
.romServiceCallUnrecognisedOSWORD              = $08    
.romServiceCallHelp                            = $09    
.romServiceCallClaimStaticWorkspace            = $0A    (Issued by paged ROMs, not the OS)
.romServiceCallNMIRelease                      = $0B    (Issued by paged ROMs, not the OS)
.romServiceCallNMIClaim                        = $0C    (Issued by paged ROMs, not the OS)
.romServiceCallROMFilingSystemInitialize       = $0D    
.romServiceCallROMFilingSystemByteGet          = $0E    
.romServiceCallVectorsClaimed                  = $0F    Used when a filing system starts
.romServiceCallSpoolExecClosureWarning         = $10    
.romServiceCallFontImplosionExplosionWarning   = $11    
.romServiceCallInitialiseFilingSystem          = $12    (Issued from paged ROMs, not the OS)
.romServiceCallTubeSystemPostInitialisation    = $FE    
.romServiceCallTubeMainInitialisation          = $FF    

§8. The Tube - Service calls.

 See NAUG Section 18.8, Page 338
.tubeClaimReasonCode                        = $C0       
.tubeCallerIDCassetteFS                     = $00       
.tubeCallerIDDiscFS                         = $01       
.tubeCallerIDEconetLowLevelPrimitives       = $02       
.tubeCallerIDEconetHighLevelPrimitives      = $03       

§9. Tape / ROM filing system synchronisation bytes.

 See NAUG Section 16.3.1, Page 263 for tape header
 See NAUG Section 17.5.6, Page 317 for ROM header
.fsSynchronisationByte                      = $2A       Tape or ROM filing system
                                                        synchronisation byte
.romFSMiddleBlockHeaderByte                 = $23       ROM filing system header byte
.romFSFinalBlockHeaderByte                  = $2B       ROM filing system header byte

§10. Memory addresses.

 For the remainder of this chapter all constants refer to addresses in memory.


§11. Zero Page Addresses ($00B0-$00FF).

.fileWorkspaceA                             = $B0       }
.fileWorkspaceB                             = $B1       } workspace values are used while we
.fileWorkspaceC                             = $B2       } load or save to the tape or ROM
.fileWorkspaceD                             = $B3       } file system. They hold different
.fileWorkspaceE                             = $B4       } values when saving vs. loading.
.fileWorkspaceF                             = $B5       } See uses below.
.fileWorkspaceG                             = $B6       }
.fileWorkspaceH                             = $B7       }

when loading from tape or ROM we store the load address, current and next block numbers:
.loadAddressLow                             = .fileWorkspaceA 
.loadAddressMid1                            = .fileWorkspaceB 
.loadAddressMid2                            = .fileWorkspaceC 
.loadAddressHigh                            = .fileWorkspaceD 

.currentBlockNumberLow                      = .fileWorkspaceE 
.currentBlockNumberHigh                     = .fileWorkspaceF 

.nextBlockNumberLow                         = .fileWorkspaceG 
.nextBlockNumberHigh                        = .fileWorkspaceH 

when saving to tape we store the current start address and end address:
.tapeSaveStartAddressLow                    = .fileWorkspaceA 
.tapeSaveStartAddressMid1                   = .fileWorkspaceB 
.tapeSaveStartAddressMid2                   = .fileWorkspaceC 
.tapeSaveStartAddressHigh                   = .fileWorkspaceD 

.tapeSaveEndAddressLow                      = .fileWorkspaceE 
.tapeSaveEndAddressMid1                     = .fileWorkspaceF 
.tapeSaveEndAddressMid2                     = .fileWorkspaceG 
.tapeSaveEndAddressHigh                     = .fileWorkspaceH 

.printMessageAddressLow                     = $B8       } stores either the address of an
.printMessageAddressHigh                    = $B9       } error routine, or the return
                                                        } address after printing a message.

.currentBlockHasDataErrorFlag               = $BA       set to $FF if the header of the
                                                        current block was read OK, but there
                                                        has been a data checksum error when
                                                        reading the actual data from the
                                                        current block. Otherwise $00.
                                                        Used to know whether to display the
                                                        'Rewind tape' message.
                                                        See .postFileError.
.tapeCurrentOptionsByte                     = $BB       current options for the tape
                                                        filing system. See
                                                        options are in the top four bits:
                                                          bit 4 = Abort bit
                                                          bit 5 = Retry bit
                                                          bit 6 }
                                                          bit 7 } Message type:
                                                              00 = no messages
                                                              10 = short messages
                                                              11 = long messages
                                                        Bits   Errors     Message Type
                                                        0000   Ignore     no messages
                                                        0001   Abort      no messages
                                                        0010   Retry      no messages
                                                        1000   Ignore     short messages
                                                        1001   Abort      short messages
                                                        1010   Retry      short messages
                                                        1100   Ignore     long messages
                                                        1101   Abort      long messages
                                                        1110   Retry      long messages

.fsTempStorage                              = $BC       temporary storage used by filing
                                                        system routines
.fsCharacterJustReadOrCharToWrite           = $BD       
.tapeChecksumLow                            = $BE       }
.tapeChecksumHigh                           = $BF       } CRC checksum
.fsGotACharacterToReadOrWriteFlag           = $C0       the top bit is set when a byte of
                                                        data from tape or ROM has (a) been
                                                        read or (b) is ready to write to
                                                        tape, and is ready to be processed.
                                                        The value of the byte is stored in
.checksumIsValidFlag                        = $C1       non-zero value indicates an error
.fsReadProgressState                        = $C2       current state of reading from tape
                                                        or ROM filing system (0-5)
                                                        See .postReadByte
.tapeCurrentFileHandle                      = $C3       handle for currently open file
.tapeLastBputValue                          = $C4       Last byte BPUT, see

.unusedC5                                   = $C5       [unused]

.tapeBaudRate                               = $C6       current cassette baud rate:
                                                        5 for 1200 baud
                                                        6 for 300 baud
.tapeInterBlockGap                          = $C7       current duration (in tenths of a
                                                        second) of the gap between blocks
                                                        of data when saving to tape.
.osfileBlockAddressLow                      = $C8       } Address of parameter block for
.osfileBlockAddressHigh                     = $C9       } OSFILE
.tapeSendingFlag                            = $CA       non-zero = currently sending to tape
.tapeCRCBitCounter                          = $CB       loop counter when calculating CRC
.tapeFileLengthLow                          = $CC       } temporarily stores the file length
.tapeFileLengthHigh                         = $CD       } before writing it into the OSFILE
                                                        } parameter block

.unusedCE                                   = $CE       [unused]
.unusedCF                                   = $CF       [unused]

.vduStatusByte                              = $D0       Each bit holds part the VDU status:
                                                        bit 0 = printer enable
                                                        bit 1 = scrolling disabled
                                                        bit 2 = paged scrolling selected
                                                        bit 3 = software scrolling (text
                                                        bit 4 = not used
                                                        bit 5 = graphics cursor enabled (VDU
                                                        bit 6 = separated cursors
                                                        bit 7 = VDU disabled
.vduCurrentPlotByteMask                     = $D1       bits to write a pixel within a byte

.vduTextColourByteOR                        = $D2       } bytes to implement current
                                                        } foreground
.vduTextColourByteEOR                       = $D3       } and background text colours

.vduGraphicsColourByteOR                    = $D4       } bytes to implement current GCOL
.vduGraphicsColourByteEOR                   = $D5       } mode and graphics colours

.vduScreenAddressOfGraphicsCursorCellLow    = $D6       } address of the top of the cell
.vduScreenAddressOfGraphicsCursorCellHigh   = $D7       } on screen containing the graphics
                                                        } cursor position

.vduWriteCursorScreenAddressLow             = $D8       } address of the top of the cell
.vduWriteCursorScreenAddressHigh            = $D9       } on screen for the write cursor

.vduTempStoreDA                             = $DA       }
.vduTempStoreDB                             = $DB       }
.vduTempStoreDC                             = $DC       } store for temporary values,
.vduTempStoreDD                             = $DD       } used in multiple VDU related
.vduTempStoreDE                             = $DE       } functions.
.vduTempStoreDF                             = $DF       }

.vduMultiplicationTableLow                  = $E0       stores which multiplication table
.vduMultiplicationTableHigh                 = $E1       to use
.fsStatusByte                               = $E2       bit 0  input file open
                                                        bit 1  output file open
                                                        bit 2  not used
                                                        bit 3  current CATalogue status
                                                        bit 4  not used
                                                        bit 5  not used
                                                        bit 6  EOF reached
                                                        bit 7  EOF warning given

.tapeOptionsByte                            = $E3       options for the tape filing
                                                        we store two sets of options, one
                                                        for LOAD and SAVE operations on a
                                                        whole file (top four bits), and
                                                        the other for 'sequential access'
                                                        byte by byte (lower four bits).
                                                        Only one of these two sets of
                                                        options is active at one time.
                                                        These are stored in the top
                                                        four bits of .tapeCurrentOptionsByte.
                                                        See .tapeCurrentOptionsByte.
                                                          bit 0/4 = Abort bit
                                                          bit 1/5 = Retry bit
                                                          bit 2/6 }
                                                          bit 3/7 } Message type:
                                                              00 = no messages
                                                              10 = short messages
                                                              11 = long messages
                                                        Bits   Errors     Message Type
                                                        0000   Ignore     no messages
                                                        0001   Abort      no messages
                                                        0010   Retry      no messages
                                                        1000   Ignore     short messages
                                                        1001   Abort      short messages
                                                        1010   Retry      short messages
                                                        1100   Ignore     long messages
                                                        1101   Abort      long messages
                                                        1110   Retry      long messages

.stringInputOptions                         = $E4       When parsing an input string
                                                        bit 7 = double-quote character found
                                                        at start
                                                        bit 6 = space character is not a
                                                        See .gsinitEntryPoint
.starCommandYParameter                      = $E4
.stringInputPlingFlag                       = $E5       When parsing an input string
                                                        $80 if previous character is '!'
                                                        $00 otherwise
.starCommandXParameter                      = $E5
.readCharacterTimedFlag                     = $E6       0 means read key instantly
                                                        255 means read key timed
.tempWorkspaceE6                            = $E6       general workspace
.currentStringPointer                       = $E6       offset within command string

.autorepeatCountdownTimer                   = $E7
.osword0BufferAddressLow                    = $E8       reading line of input by OSWORD 0
.osword0BufferAddressHigh                   = $E9       
.rs423TimeoutCounter                        = $EA        1: the tape FS has control
                                                         0: RS-423 in control, timed out
                                                        <0: RS-423 in control, not timed out
.tapeCritical                               = $EB       bit 7 set while doing a BGET/BPUT
                                                          (other bits are ignored)

.keyPressedInternalTable                    = $EC       start of two byte table of keys
.lastKeyPressedInternal                     = $EC       see table below
.firstKeyPressedInternal                    = $ED       see table below

    Situation              .lastKeyPressedInternal    .firstKeyPressedInternal
    no keys pressed        $00                        $00
    one key pressed        first key number           $00
    two keys pressed       second key  number         first key number
    second key released    $00                        first key number

.keyToIgnoreWhenScanningWithOSBYTE121or122  = $EE       See .scanKeyboard

.osbyteA                                    = $EF       }
.oswordA                                    = $EF       } stores register values when
.osbyteX                                    = $F0       } calling OSBYTE and OSWORD
.oswordX                                    = $F0       }
.stackPointerLastBRK                        = $F0       stores the stack pointer on a BRK
.osbyteY                                    = $F1       } stores register values when
.oswordY                                    = $F1       } calling OSBYTE and OSWORD

.stringInputBufferAddressLow                = $F2       } Start address of input string
.stringInputBufferAddressHigh               = $F3       }

.currentlySelectedROM                       = $F4       current Paged ROM selected
.currentSpeechPHROMOrROMNumber              = $F5       if bit 7 set:
                                                          ROM number for Speech PHROM
                                                        if bit 7 clear:
                                                          ROM number for current ROMFS

.romAddressLow                              = $F6       
.romAddressHigh                             = $F7       

.unusedF8                                   = $F8       [unused]
.unusedF9                                   = $F9       [unused]

.tempStoreFA                                = $FA       }
.tempStoreFB                                = $FB       } General purpose temporary store

.interruptAccumulator                       = $FC       used during IRQ processing to
                                                        remember the accumulator and also
                                                        used during a reset (before
                                                        IRQs are enabled)

.languageVersionString                      = $FD       offset to language ROM version string
                                                                        (- multiple uses)
.displayStringAddressLow                    = $FD                       (- multiple uses)
.brkAddressLow                              = $FD       } address after (- multiple uses)
.brkAddressHigh                             = $FE       } last BRK      (- multiple uses)
.displayStringAddressHigh                   = $FE                       (- multiple uses)

.escapeFlag                                 = $FF       the ESCAPE flag
                                                        this is set when an ESCAPE character
                                                        (normally .charESCAPE) is entered
                                                        into an input buffer.
                                                        It should be acknowledged using
                                                        OSBYTE 126. This tells the second
                                                        processor of the event and clears
                                                        the flag.

§12. The 6502 Stack ($0100-$01FF).

 The 6502 stack starts at $01FF and grows downwards.
.stackPage                                  = $0100     6502 stack

§13. Vectors ($0200-$0235).

 Vectors are addresses that can be set to point to a user routine to handle operating system
 calls, overriding or augmenting the standard behaviour. By default they are set to locations
 in the MOS ROM.

 See .defaultVectorTable for the default entry points for each vector
 See NAUG Section 6, Page 102

 Historical note: Acorn began storing vectors at $0200 with the System 2 (1980) and then
 the Atom (also 1980). Many of the vectors below appear there too, but not .vectorIRQ2V,
 .vectorBYTEV, .vectorWORDV or anything beyond .vectorNETV.
.page2Start                                 = $0200

.vectorUSERV                                = $0200     User vector
.vectorBRKV                                 = $0202     BRK vector
.vectorIRQ1V                                = $0204     Primary IRQ vector
.vectorIRQ2V                                = $0206     Unrecognised IRQ vector
.vectorCLIV                                 = $0208     Command line interpreter
.vectorBYTEV                                = $020A     OSBYTE call
.vectorWORDV                                = $020C     OSWORD call
.vectorWRCHV                                = $020E     OSWRCH call
.vectorRDCHV                                = $0210     OSRDCH call
.vectorFILEV                                = $0212     Load / Save file
.vectorARGSV                                = $0214     Load / Save file parameters
.vectorBGETV                                = $0216     Get byte from file
.vectorBPUTV                                = $0218     Put byte to file
.vectorGBPBV                                = $021A     Transfer data to or from a file
.vectorFINDV                                = $021C     Open / Close file
.vectorFSCV                                 = $021E     Filing system control
.vectorEVNTV                                = $0220     Events
.vectorUPTV                                 = $0222     User print
.vectorNETV                                 = $0224     Econet
.vectorVDUV                                 = $0226     Unrecognised PLOT / VDU 23 commands
.vectorKEYV                                 = $0228     Keyboard
.vectorINSV                                 = $022A     Insert character into buffer
.vectorREMV                                 = $022C     Remove character from buffer
.vectorCNPV                                 = $022E     Count or purge buffer
.vectorIND1V                                = $0230     Unused vector
.vectorIND2V                                = $0232     Unused vector
.vectorIND3V                                = $0234     Unused vector

§14. OS Variables ($0236-$02FF).

 This value is offset when reading / writing OS variables using OSBYTE 166-255
.mosVariablesMinus166                       = .mosVariables - 166
                                                        value to add the OSBYTE (166-255)
                                                        number to get the address to

.mosVariables                               = $0236     Constant value .mosVariablesMinus166
                                                        (Read using OSBYTE 166/167)
.romPointerTable                            = $0238     Constant value .extendedVectorSpace
                                                        (Read using OSBYTE 168/169)
.romInformationTable                        = $023A     Constant value .romTypeTable
                                                        (Read using OSBYTE 170/171)
.keyTranslationTable                        = $023C     Constant value .keyDataTable1 - 16
                                                        (Read using OSBYTE 172/173)
.vduVariablesTable                          = $023E     Constant value .vduVariablesStart
                                                        (Read using OSBYTE 174/175)

.verticalSyncCounter                        = $0240     decremented every vertical sync
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 176)
.currentInputBuffer                         = $0241     buffer number for current input
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 177)
.enableKeyboardInterruptProcessingFlag      = $0242     aka 'Keyboard semaphore'
                                                        $00 = don't update key presses
                                                              on 100Hz interrupts
                                                        $FF = key presses are processed
                                                              as normal
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 178)
.defaultOSHWM                               = $0243     default/primary High Water Mark.
                                                        this is after Paged ROMs have
                                                        asked for their workspace memory,
                                                        but before soft character
                                                        definitions have been 'exploded'.
                                                        Initialised at RESET time, and
                                                        otherwise remains constant.
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 179)
.currentOSHWM                               = $0244     current OS High Water Mark, which
                                                        varies due to font explosions.
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 180)
.rs423Mode                                  = $0245     RS-423 mode (1 is default):
                                                          0 = treat RS-423 input the same
                                                              as the keyboard
                                                          1 = ESCAPE is ignored;
                                                              Soft keys are not expanded;
                                                              no events are triggered
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 181)
.softCharacterDefinitionsSwitch             = $0246     which ranges of characters are Soft
                                                        character definitions (i.e. the
                                                        value X used in *FX 20,X)
                                                        (Read using OSBYTE 182 but note
                                                        that this is incompatible with
                                                        the Master series)
.tapeOrROMSwitch                            = $0247     0 is *TAPE, 2 = *ROM
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 183)
.videoULAVideoControlRegisterCopy           = $0248     OS copy of video control register
                                                        (Read using OSBYTE 184)
.videoULAPaletteValue                       = $0249     value last written to the palette:
                                                        bits 0-3: physical colour EOR 7
                                                        bits 4-7: logical colour
                                                        (Read using OSBYTE 185)
.romNumberActiveLastBRK                     = $024A     ROM socket number when last BRK
                                                        (Read using OSBYTE 186)
.basicROMNumber                             = $024B     ROM socket number containing BASIC
                                                        or $FF
                                                        (Read using OSBYTE 187)
.adcCurrentChannel                          = $024C     current ADC channel number
                                                        (Read using OSBYTE 188)
.maximumADCChannelNumber                    = $024D     read maximum ADC channel number
                                                        (Read using OSBYTE 189)
.adcConversionType                          = $024E     ADC conversion type:
                                                        0 = default (12 bits)
                                                        8 = 8 bits
                                                        12 = 12 bits
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 190)
.rs423ReadyFlag                             = $024F     bit 7 set means RS-423 is ready
                                                        otherwise RS-423 is busy
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 191)
.rs423ControlRegisterCopy                   = $0250     OS copy of the RS-423 control flag
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 192)
.videoULAFlashingColourIntervalCount        = $0251     counts down time before flashing the
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 193)
.videoULAFirstFlashingColourInterval        = $0252     number of frames to spend on the
                                                        first flashing colour
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 194, but
                                                        prefer OSBYTE 9)
.videoULASecondFlashingColourInterval       = $0253     number of frames to spend on the
                                                        second flashing colour
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 195, but
                                                        prefer OSBYTE 10)
.keyboardAutoRepeatDelay                    = $0254     delay before a key held down
                                                        autorepeats in centi-seconds
                                                        (Read/write using OSBYTE 196, but
                                                        prefer OSBYTE 11)
.keyboardAutoRepeatRate                     = $0255     keyboard autorepeat rate in
                                                        (Read/write using OSBYTE 197, but
                                                        prefer OSBYTE 12)
.execFileHandle                             = $0256     file handle of open EXEC file or
                                                        zero if none open
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 198)
.spoolFileHandle                            = $0257     file handle of open SPOOL file or
                                                        zero if none open
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 199)
.escapeAndBreakEffect                       = $0258     bit 0 set disables ESCAPE
                                                        bit 1 set clears memory on BREAK
                                                        (Read/write using OSBYTE 200)
.keyboardDisableFlag                        = $0259     0=Normal
                                                        otherwise ignore all keys except
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 201)
.keyboardStatusFlags                        = $025A     bit 3 = 1 means SHIFT pressed
                                                        bit 4 = 0 means CAPS LOCK engaged
                                                        bit 5 = 0 means SHIFT LOCK engaged
                                                        bit 6 = 1 means CTRL pressed
                                                        bit 7 = 1 means SHIFT enabled
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 202)
.rs423HandshakeExtent                       = $025B     how many bytes free when dealing
                                                        with a full buffer
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 203)
.rs423InputSuppressionFlag                  = $025C     non-zero value inhibits RS-423 input
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 204)
.tapeRS423SelectionFlag                     = $025D     0 = RS-423; $40 = TAPE (Comes into
                                                        effect when using OSBYTE 7/8 to
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 205)
.econetOSCallInterceptionFlag               = $025E     bit 7 set sends OS calls through the
                                                        econet vector
                                                        otherwise should be set to zero
                                                        (see .osbyteOrOSWORDTableLookup)
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 206)
.econetReadCharacterInterceptionFlag        = $025F     read character from ECONET if bit 7
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 207)
.econetWriteCharacterInterceptionFlag       = $0260     bit 7 set means direct the character
                                                        to write to ECONET
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 208)
.speechSuppressionStatus                    = $0261     $50 to enable speech; $20 to disable
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 209)
.soundDisableFlag                           = $0262     non-zero disables sound
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 210)
.soundBELLChannel                           = $0263     sound channel for CTRL-G BELL
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 211)
.soundBELLAmplitudeEnvelope                 = $0264     sound amplitude/envelope for CTRL-G
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 212)
.soundBELLPitch                             = $0265     sound pitch for CTRL-G BELL
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 213)
.soundBELLDuration                          = $0266     sound duration for CTRL-G BELL
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 214)
.startupMessageSuppressionAndBootOptions    = $0267     bit 7 = 0 means ignore OS startup
                                                        bit 0 = 1 means if !BOOT errors from
                                                        DISC because no language found, then
                                                        lock up machine
                                                        bit 0 = 0 means if !BOOT errors from
                                                        *ROM because no language found, then
                                                        lock up machine
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 215)
.softKeyStringLength                        = $0268     length of the current *KEY string
                                                        being decoded
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 216)
.pagedModeCounter                           = $0269     number of lines printed since last
                                                        paged mode pause
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 217)
.twosComplimentOfNumberOfBytesInVDUQueue    = $026A     255 - bytes in vdu queue
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 218)
.asciiCodeGeneratedByTABKey                 = $026B     ASCII value to be produced by TAB
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 219)
.asciiCodeThatGeneratesESCAPEAction         = $026C     key's ASCII code that will generate
                                                        an ESCAPE action
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 220)

.functionAndCursorKeyCodes                  = $026D     8 bytes that determine how to
                                                        interpret special keys:

    byte  range of keys
     0      $C0-$CF
     1      $D0-$DF
     2      $E0-$EF
     3      $F0-$FF
     4      $80-$8F  Function keys
     5      $90-$9F  SHIFT+Function keys
     6      $A0-$AF  CTRL+Function keys
     7      $B0-$BF  CTRL+SHIFT+Function keys
    0 = ignore key
    1 = expand as 'soft' key
    2-255 = add this to base for 'ASCII' code
    note that provision is made for keypad operation
    as codes $C0-$FF cannot be generated from keyboard
    but are recognised by OS
    (Read/Write using OSBYTE 221-228)

.escapeAction                               = $0275     0 = normal ESCAPE action
                                                        otherwise ASCII
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 229)
.escapeEffects                              = $0276     0 = ESCAPE cleared, EXEC file
                                                        closed, all buffers purged, reset
                                                        VDU paging counter; otherwise
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 230)
.userVIAIRQBitMask                          = $0277     (Read using OSBYTE 231)
.rs423IRQBitMask                            = $0278     (Read using OSBYTE 232)
.systemVIAIRQBitMask                        = $0279     (Read using OSBYTE 233)
.tubePresentFlag                            = $027A     0 = no Tube
                                                        255 = Tube present
                                                        (Read using OSBYTE 234)
.speechSystemPresentFlag                    = $027B     0 = no speech
                                                        255 = SPEECH present
                                                        (Read using OSBYTE 235)

.characterDestinationsAvailableFlags        = $027C     bit 0 - enable RS-423 driver
                                                        bit 1 - disable VDU driver
                                                        bit 2 - disable printer driver
                                                        bit 3 - enable printer, independent
                                                        of CTRL-B/C
                                                        bit 4 - disable SPOOLed output
                                                        bit 5 - not used
                                                        bit 6 - disable printer driver
                                                        (unless preceded by VDU 1)
                                                        bit 7 - not used
                                                        (Read using OSBYTE 236)
.cursorEditingType                          = $027D     0 = enable normal cursor editing
                                                        1=disable (cursor keys return codes
                                                        2=disable (cursor keys and COPY key
                                                             are soft keys 11=COPY,12=LEFT,
                                                        (Read using OSBYTE 237)

.unused27E                                  = $027E     [initialised to zero, otherwise
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 238)
.unused27F                                  = $027F     [initialised to zero, otherwise
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 239)

.countryCode                                = $0280     0 = UK
                                                        1 = US (not used by this OS)
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 240)
.userFlag                                   = $0281     free for use by an application (not
                                                        used by the OS)
                                                        (Read/Write with OSBYTE 241 but
                                                        prefer using OSBYTE 1)

.serialULARegisterCopy                      = $0282     copy of the Serial ULA control
                                                        (Read using OSBYTE 242)
.timeClockSwitch                            = $0283     which five byte clock is in
                                                        currently use (5 or 10)
                                                        (Read using OSBYTE 243)
.softKeyConsistencyFlag                     = $0284     0 = normal; otherwise inconsistent
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 244)
.printerDestination                         = $0285     0 = no printer output
                                                        1 = parallel printer
                                                        2 = serial printer
                                                        3 = user printer routine
                                                        4 = net printer
                                                        5-255 = user printer routine
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 245)
.printerIgnoreCharacter                     = $0286     character that the printer ignores
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 246)
.breakInterceptJMPInstruction               = $0287     }
.breakInterceptLowAddress                   = $0288     } Three bytes form a 'JMP address'
                                                        } instruction, activated on BREAK
.breakInterceptHighAddress                  = $0289     } (Read/Write using OSBYTE 247-249)

.unused28A                                  = $028A     [initialised to zero but otherwise
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 250)
.unused28B                                  = $028B     [initialised to zero but otherwise
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 251)

.languageROMNumber                          = $028C     ROM Number for current language
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 252)
.lastResetType                              = $028D     what type of reset was last done?
                                                               0    Soft reset (BREAK)
                                                               1    Power on
                                                               2    Hard reset (CTRL-BREAK)
                                                        only used during the boot sequence
                                                        (Read/Write using OSBYTE 253)
.systemAvailableRAM                         = $028E     $40 = 16k (usually Model A)
                                                        $80 = 32k (usually Model B)
                                                        (Read using OSBYTE 254)
.startUpOptions                             = $028F     bits 0-2 are the initial MODE
                                                        bit 3 (if clear, reverses the action
                                                        of SHIFT-BREAK)
                                                        bits 4-5 are disc drive timings
                                                        bits 6-7 unused
                                                        (Read/Write with OSBYTE 255)

.hardResetLWM                               = $0290     low water mark for resetting
                                                        variables on a hard reset / power on
                                                        (variables are reset from here to
                                                        end of page)
.vduVerticalAdjust                          = $0290     *TV value
.vduInterlaceValue                          = $0291     *TV interlace value
.timeClockA                                 = $0292     } 5 byte clock as read by TIME
.timeClockB                                 = $0297     } read and write alternates between
                                                        these two 5 byte buffers
                                                        (see .timeClockSwitch)
.softResetLWM                               = $029C     low water mark in Page 2 for
                                                        resetting variables on a soft reset
                                                        (sets variables from here to end
                                                        of page) - dual use
.countdownIntervalTimer                     = $029C     5 byte countdown interval timer
                                                        (causes an EVENT when it reaches

.romTypeTable                               = $02A1     the type of each of the sixteen ROMs
.inkeyTimeoutCounterLow                     = $02B1     } 16 bit value that is decremented
.inkeyTimeoutCounterHigh                    = $02B2     } at 100Hz while processing a timed
                                                        } keyboard read

.osword0MaxLineLength                       = $02B3     }
.osword0MinASCIICharacter                   = $02B4     } copies of the values in the OSWORD
                                                        } 0 parameter block
.osword0MaxASCIICharacter                   = $02B5     }
.lowByteLastByteFromADCChannel1             = $02B6     
.lowByteLastByteFromADCChannel2             = $02B7     
.lowByteLastByteFromADCChannel3             = $02B8     
.lowByteLastByteFromADCChannel4             = $02B9     
.highByteLastByteFromADCChannel1            = $02BA     
.highByteLastByteFromADCChannel2            = $02BB     
.highByteLastByteFromADCChannel3            = $02BC     
.highByteLastByteFromADCChannel4            = $02BD     
.adcLastChannelRead                         = $02BE     Stores the last ADC channel read
                                                        (1-4), or zero if (a) no ADC
                                                        conversions have taken place yet,
                                                        or (b) one is pending via OSBYTE 17
                                                        or (c) if we have already read this
                                                        value using OSBYTE 128.

.eventEnabledFlags                          = $02BF     }
.outputBufferEmptyEventEnabled              = $02BF     }
.inputBufferFullEventEnabled                = $02C0     }
.characterEnteringBufferEventEnabled        = $02C1     }
.adcConversionCompleteEventEnabled          = $02C2     }
.startOfVSyncEventEnabled                   = $02C3     } 'Event enabled' flags (0 means
.intervalTimerCrossingZeroEventEnabled      = $02C4     } disabled, non-zero is enabled)
.escapeConditionEventEnabled                = $02C5     }
.rs423ErrorDetectedEventEnabled             = $02C6     }
.econetGeneratedEventEnabled                = $02C7     }
.userEventEnabled                           = $02C8     }

.softKeyExpansionPointer                    = $02C9     next byte to expand is at
                                                        ($0B09 + .softKeyExpansionPointer)

.keyboardFirstAutorepeatCount               = $02CA     
.previousKeyPressedWhenReadingLastKey       = $02CB     previous key pressed when reading
                                                        keyboard last key
                                                        (see .lastKeyPressedInternal)
.previousKeyPressedWhenReadingFirstKey      = $02CC     previous key pressed when reading
                                                        keyboard first key
                                                        (see .firstKeyPressedInternal)
.previousKeyPressedWhenReadingOSBYTE        = $02CD     previous key pressed when reading
                                                        keyboard from OSBYTE 121 / 122

.soundIsUpdatingFlag                        = $02CE     aka 'Sound semaphore'
                                                        $FF if sound interrupt is updating
                                                        $00 otherwise

.bufferEmptyFlags                           = $02CF     
.keyboardBufferEmptyFlag                    = $02CF     }
.rs423InputBufferEmptyFlag                  = $02D0     }
.rs423OutputBufferEmptyFlag                 = $02D1     }
.printerBufferEmptyFlag                     = $02D2     }
.soundChannel0BufferEmptyFlag               = $02D3     } Bit 7 set if buffer is empty
.soundChannel1BufferEmptyFlag               = $02D4     }
.soundChannel2BufferEmptyFlag               = $02D5     }
.soundChannel3BufferEmptyFlag               = $02D6     }
.speechBufferEmptyFlag                      = $02D7     }

.bufferStartIndices                         = $02D8     
.keyboardBufferStartIndex                   = $02D8     }
.rs423InputBufferStartIndex                 = $02D9     }
.rs423OutputBufferStartIndex                = $02DA     }
.printerBufferStartIndex                    = $02DB     } Offset to next byte to be removed
.soundChannel0BufferStartIndex              = $02DC     } Highest location in each
.soundChannel1BufferStartIndex              = $02DD     }    buffer has offset $FF
.soundChannel2BufferStartIndex              = $02DE     }
.soundChannel3BufferStartIndex              = $02DF     }
.speechBufferEmptyStartIndex                = $02E0     }

.bufferEndIndices                           = $02E1     
.keyboardBufferEndIndex                     = $02E1     }
.rs423InputBufferEndIndex                   = $02E2     }
.rs423OutputBufferEndIndex                  = $02E3     }
.printerBufferEndIndex                      = $02E4     }
.soundChannel0BufferEndIndex                = $02E5     } Offset to last byte entered in
.soundChannel1BufferEndIndex                = $02E6     } each buffer
.soundChannel2BufferEndIndex                = $02E7     }
.soundChannel3BufferEndIndex                = $02E8     }
.speechBufferEmptyEndIndex                  = $02E9     }

.tapeInputCurrentBlockSizeLow               = $02EA     
.tapeInputCurrentBlockSizeHigh              = $02EB     

.blockFlagOfCurrentlyResidentBlock          = $02EC     bit 0 = *RUN only
                                                        bit 6 = no data
                                                        bit 7 = last block
.lastCharacterOfCurrentlyResidentBlock      = $02ED     

.osfileBlockStart                           = $02EE     
.osfileFilenameAddressLow                   = $02EE     
.osfileFilenameAddressHigh                  = $02EF     
.osfileLoadAddressLow                       = $02F0     the Load/Exec/Start/End addresses
.osfileLoadAddressMid1                      = $02F1     are all 32 bit values. The upper
.osfileLoadAddressMid2                      = $02F2     two bytes are $FF $FF by default,
.osfileLoadAddressHigh                      = $02F3     meaning the code is for the main
.osfileExecAddressLow                       = $02F4     processor. If they have other
.osfileExecAddressMid1                      = $02F5     values the data is sent via the
.osfileExecAddressMid2                      = $02F6     Tube to the second processor
.osfileExecAddressHigh                      = $02F7     (if present).
.osfileStartAddressLow                      = $02F8     
.osfileStartAddressMid1                     = $02F9     
.osfileStartAddressMid2                     = $02FA     
.osfileStartAddressHigh                     = $02FB     
.osfileEndAddressLow                        = $02FC     
.osfileEndAddressMid1                       = $02FD     
.osfileEndAddressMid2                       = $02FE     
.osfileEndAddressHigh                       = $02FF     

§15. VDU Variables ($0300-$37F).

.vduVariablesStart                          = $0300     

.vduGraphicsWindowPixelsLeftLow             = $0300     }
.vduGraphicsWindowPixelsLeftHigh            = $0301     }
.vduGraphicsWindowPixelsBottomLow           = $0302     }
.vduGraphicsWindowPixelsBottomHigh          = $0303     }
.vduGraphicsWindowPixelsRightLow            = $0304     } graphics window in pixels
.vduGraphicsWindowPixelsRightHigh           = $0305     }
.vduGraphicsWindowPixelsTopLow              = $0306     }
.vduGraphicsWindowPixelsTopHigh             = $0307     }

.vduTextWindowLeft                          = $0308     }
.vduTextWindowBottom                        = $0309     }
.vduTextWindowRight                         = $030A     } text window
.vduTextWindowTop                           = $030B     }

.vduGraphicsWindowOriginXLow                = $030C     }
.vduGraphicsWindowOriginXHigh               = $030D     } graphics origin in external
.vduGraphicsWindowOriginYLow                = $030E     } coordinates
.vduGraphicsWindowOriginYHigh               = $030F     }

.vduGraphicsCursorPositionXLow              = $0310     }
.vduGraphicsCursorPositionXHigh             = $0311     } graphics cursor position in
.vduGraphicsCursorPositionYLow              = $0312     } external coordinates
.vduGraphicsCursorPositionYHigh             = $0313     }

.vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsXLow             = $0314     }
.vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsXHigh            = $0315     } old graphics cursor in pixels
.vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsYLow             = $0316     }
.vduOldGraphicsCursorPixelsYHigh            = $0317     }

.vduTextCursorXPosition                     = $0318     } text cursor position
.vduTextCursorYPosition                     = $0319     }

.vduGraphicsCursorVerticalOffsetInCell      = $031A     offset within a character cell of
                                                        the current graphics cursor Y

.vduQueueStartByte                          = $031B     } nine bytes for vdu queue (start)

.vduTriangleFillHeightLow                   = $031B     }
.vduTriangleFillHeightHigh                  = $031C     } height used when filling triangles

.vduQueueEndByte                            = $0323     } nine bytes for vdu queue (end)

.vduGraphicsCursorPixelsXLow                = $0324     current graphics cursor position in
.vduGraphicsCursorPixelsXHigh               = $0325     pixels
.vduGraphicsCursorPixelsYLow                = $0326     
.vduGraphicsCursorPixelsYHigh               = $0327     

.vduWorkspaceA                              = $0328     workspace A-V
.vduWorkspaceB                              = $0329     these have multiple uses.
.vduWorkspaceC                              = $032A     Notably these are used when drawing
.vduWorkspaceD                              = $032B     lines and triangles.
.vduWorkspaceE                              = $032C     
.vduWorkspaceF                              = $032D     
.vduWorkspaceG                              = $032E     
.vduWorkspaceH                              = $032F     
.vduWorkspaceI                              = $0330     
.vduWorkspaceJ                              = $0331     
.vduWorkspaceK                              = $0332     
.vduWorkspaceL                              = $0333     
.vduWorkspaceM                              = $0334     
.vduWorkspaceN                              = $0335     
.vduWorkspaceO                              = $0336     
.vduWorkspaceP                              = $0337     
.vduWorkspaceQ                              = $0338     
.vduWorkspaceR                              = $0339     
.vduWorkspaceS                              = $033A     
.vduWorkspaceT                              = $033B     
.vduWorkspaceU                              = $033C     
.vduWorkspaceV                              = $033D     

.vduClearGraphicsWindowLineCount            = .vduWorkspaceI line counter used in VDU 16
                                                             (clear graphics window)
.vduMODE7CursorCharacter                    = .vduWorkspaceQ 

Plot line variables
.vduPlotLineDeltaXLow                       = .vduWorkspaceA 'plot line' variables
.vduPlotLineDeltaXHigh                      = .vduWorkspaceB 
.vduPlotLineDeltaYLow                       = .vduWorkspaceC 
.vduPlotLineDeltaYHigh                      = .vduWorkspaceD 
.vduPlotLineCurrentPointXLow                = .vduWorkspaceE 
.vduPlotLineCurrentPointXHigh               = .vduWorkspaceF 
.vduPlotLineCurrentPointYLow                = .vduWorkspaceG 
.vduPlotLineCurrentPointYHigh               = .vduWorkspaceH 
.vduPlotLineTerminationValueLow             = .vduWorkspaceI } final coordinate in the
.vduPlotLineTerminationValueHigh            = .vduWorkspaceJ } dominant axis. Used to check
                                                             } when done plotting a line.

.vduPlotLineRoutineLow                      = .vduWorkspaceK } address of routine to use
.vduPlotLineRoutineHigh                     = .vduWorkspaceL } when drawing a line
.vduPlotLinePlotDottedPixelFlag             = .vduWorkspaceM 127 to draw a dot; 128 to skip
.vduPlotLineErrorTermLow                    = .vduWorkspaceN 
.vduPlotLineErrorTermHigh                   = .vduWorkspaceO 
.vduPlotLineAbsNonDominantAxisDeltaLow      = .vduWorkspaceP 
.vduPlotLineAbsNonDominantAxisDeltaHigh     = .vduWorkspaceQ 
.vduPlotLineAbsDominantAxisDeltaLow         = .vduWorkspaceR 
.vduPlotLineAbsDominantAxisDeltaHigh        = .vduWorkspaceS 

Plot triangle variables
.vduPlotTriMainLineErrorTermLow             = .vduWorkspaceA 'plot triangle' variables
.vduPlotTriMainLineErrorTermHigh            = .vduWorkspaceB tracking the 'main line'
.vduPlotTriMainLineDeltaXLow                = .vduWorkspaceC 
.vduPlotTriMainLineDeltaXHigh               = .vduWorkspaceD 
.vduPlotTriMainLineDeltaYLow                = .vduWorkspaceE 
.vduPlotTriMainLineDeltaYHigh               = .vduWorkspaceF 
.vduPlotTriMainLineCurrentPointXLow         = .vduWorkspaceG 
.vduPlotTriMainLineCurrentPointXHigh        = .vduWorkspaceH 
.vduPlotTriMainLineCurrentPointYLow         = .vduWorkspaceI 
.vduPlotTriMainLineCurrentPointYHigh        = .vduWorkspaceJ 
.vduPlotTriMainLineXDirectionFlag           = .vduWorkspaceK 

.vduPlotTriMinorLineErrorTermLow            = .vduWorkspaceL 'plot triangle' variables
.vduPlotTriMinorLineErrorTermHigh           = .vduWorkspaceM tracking the 'minor line'
.vduPlotTriMinorLineDeltaXLow               = .vduWorkspaceN 
.vduPlotTriMinorLineDeltaXHigh              = .vduWorkspaceO 
.vduPlotTriMinorLineDeltaYLow               = .vduWorkspaceP 
.vduPlotTriMinorLineDeltaYHigh              = .vduWorkspaceQ 
.vduPlotTriMinorLineCurrentPointXLow        = .vduWorkspaceR 
.vduPlotTriMinorLineCurrentPointXHigh       = .vduWorkspaceS 
.vduPlotTriMinorLineCurrentPointYLow        = .vduWorkspaceT 
.vduPlotTriMinorLineCurrentPointYHigh       = .vduWorkspaceU 
.vduPlotTriMinorLineXDirectionFlag          = .vduWorkspaceV 

.vduPlotTriStorageForCoordinates            = $033E     eight bytes used when drawing a
                                                        triangle to remember the original
                                                        XY coordinates (four bytes) and
                                                        graphics cursor (four bytes)
                                                        ($033E to $0345)

.unused346                                  = $0346     [unused]
.unused347                                  = $0347     [unused]
.unused348                                  = $0348     [unused]
.unused349                                  = $0349     [unused]

.vduTextCursorCRTCAddressLow                = $034A     CRTC address of the cursor
.vduTextCursorCRTCAddressHigh               = $034B     

.vduTextWindowWidthInBytesLow               = $034C     
.vduTextWindowWidthInBytesHigh              = $034D     

.vduStartScreenAddressHighByte              = $034E     
.vduBytesPerCharacter                       = $034F     
.vduScreenTopLeftAddressLow                 = $0350     
.vduScreenTopLeftAddressHigh                = $0351     

.vduBytesPerCharacterRowLow                 = $0352     
.vduBytesPerCharacterRowHigh                = $0353     
.vduScreenSizeHighByte                      = $0354     
.vduCurrentScreenMODE                       = $0355     
.vduCurrentScreenMODEGroup                  = $0356     MODE group = screen memory size:
                                                                 0 = 20k (MODE 0,1,2)
                                                                 1 = 16k (MODE 3)
                                                                 2 = 10k (MODE 4,5)
                                                                 3 =  8k (MODE 6)
                                                                 4 =  1k (MODE 7)
.vduForegroundTextColour                    = $0357     } Current colours. Stored as the
.vduBackgroundTextColour                    = $0358     } byte value to colour the whole
.vduForegroundGraphicsColour                = $0359     } byte the given colour
.vduBackgroundGraphicsColour                = $035A     }
.vduForegroundGCOLMode                      = $035B     GCOL foreground mode
                                                        (0=Normal, 1=OR, 2=AND, 3=EOR,
.vduBackgroundGCOLMode                      = $035C     GCOL background mode
                                                        (0=Normal, 1=OR, 2=AND, 3=EOR,

.vduJumpVectorLow                           = $035D     
.vduJumpVectorHigh                          = $035E     

.vduLastCursorStartRegisterValue            = $035F     

.vduNumberOfLogicalColoursMinusOne          = $0360     
.vduPixelsPerByteMinusOne                   = $0361     

.vduColourMaskLeft                          = $0362     colour mask left.  Bits for the
                                                        setting the leftmost pixel of a
                                                        byte to white:
                                                        MODE 0,3,4,6,7    = $80
                                                        MODE 1,5          = $88
                                                        MODE 2            = $AA
.vduColourMaskRight                         = $0363     colour mask right. Bits for the
                                                        setting the rightmost pixel of a
                                                        byte to white:
                                                        MODE 0,3,4,6,7    = $01
                                                        MODE 1,5          = $11
                                                        MODE 2            = $55
.vduTextInputCursorXCoordinate              = $0364     
.vduTextInputCursorYCoordinate              = $0365     
.vduTeletextCharacterForCursor              = $0366     
.vduFontFlags                               = $0367     ranges of characters that have SOFT
                                                        character definitions:
                                                            bit 7 = characters  32-63
                                                            bit 6 = characters  64-95
                                                            bit 5 = characters  96-127
                                                            bit 4 = characters 128-159
                                                            bit 3 = characters 160-191
                                                            bit 2 = characters 192-223
                                                            bit 1 = characters 224-255
                                                            bit 0 = unused
                                                        See .osbyte20EntryPoint
.vduFontZoneAddressesHigh1                  = $0368     high byte of the address (=page
                                                        number) for storing character
                                                        definitions  32-63  (in ROM or RAM)
.vduFontZoneAddressesHigh2                  = $0369     high byte of the address (=page
                                                        number) for storing character
                                                        definitions  64-95  (in ROM or RAM)
.vduFontZoneAddressesHigh3                  = $036A     high byte of the address (=page
                                                        number) for storing character
                                                        definitions  96-127 (in ROM or RAM)
.vduFontZoneAddressesHigh4                  = $036B     high byte of the address (=page
                                                        number) for storing character
                                                        definitions 128-159 (in ROM or RAM)
.vduFontZoneAddressesHigh5                  = $036C     high byte of the address (=page
                                                        number) for storing character
                                                        definitions 160-191 (in ROM or RAM)
.vduFontZoneAddressesHigh6                  = $036D     high byte of the address (=page
                                                        number) for storing character
                                                        definitions 192-223 (in ROM or RAM)
.vduFontZoneAddressesHigh7                  = $036E     high byte of the address (=page
                                                        number) for storing character
                                                        definitions 224-255 (in ROM or RAM)

.vduColourPaletteStart                      = $036F     } 16 bytes of palette information
.vduColourPaletteEnd                        = $037E     }

.unused37F                                  = $037F     [unused]

.vduVariablesEnd                            = $037F     

§16. Cassette Filing System Workspace ($0380-$03DF).

.tapeBlockHeaderStart                       = $0380     
.tapeBlockFilename                          = $0380     filename (11 bytes)

.unused38B                                  = $038B     [unused]

.tapeBlockLoadAddressLow                    = $038C     }
.tapeBlockLoadAddressMid1                   = $038D     }
.tapeBlockLoadAddressMid2                   = $038E     } load address
.tapeBlockLoadAddressHigh                   = $038F     }
.tapeBlockExecutableAddressLow              = $0390     }
.tapeBlockExecutableAddressMid1             = $0391     }
.tapeBlockExecutableAddressMid2             = $0392     } executable address
.tapeBlockExecutableAddressHigh             = $0393     }
.tapeBlockNumberLow                         = $0394     block number (low byte)
.tapeBlockNumberHigh                        = $0395     block number (high byte)
.tapeBlockLengthLow                         = $0396     
.tapeBlockLengthHigh                        = $0397     
.tapeBlockFlagByte                          = $0398     bit 7=last block, written when
                                                        closing a file for output
.tapeBlockSpareByteA                        = $0399     
.tapeBlockSpareByteB                        = $039A     
.tapeBlockSpareByteC                        = $039B     
.tapeBlockSpareByteD                        = $039C     

.bputBufferOffset                           = $039D     offset in buffer for next BPUT
.bgetBufferOffset                           = $039E     offset in buffer for next BGET

.unused39F                                  = $039F     [unused]
.unused3A0                                  = $03A0     [unused]
.unused3A1                                  = $03A1     [unused]
.unused3A2                                  = $03A2     [unused]
.unused3A3                                  = $03A3     [unused]
.unused3A4                                  = $03A4     [unused]
.unused3A5                                  = $03A5     [unused]
.unused3A6                                  = $03A6     [unused]

.bgetFilename                               = $03A7     zero terminated filename (11 bytes)

.fsFilename                                 = $03B2     zero terminated filename (11 bytes)

.unused3BD                                  = $03BD     [unused]

.fsLoadAddressLow                           = $03BE     
.fsLoadAddressMid1                          = $03BF     
.fsLoadAddressMid2                          = $03C0     
.fsLoadAddressHigh                          = $03C1     
.fsExecutionAddressLow                      = $03C2     
.fsExecutionAddressMid1                     = $03C3     
.fsExecutionAddressMid2                     = $03C4     
.fsExecutionAddressHigh                     = $03C5     
.fsBlockNumberLow                           = $03C6     
.fsBlockNumberHigh                          = $03C7     
.fsBlockLengthLow                           = $03C8     
.fsBlockLengthHigh                          = $03C9     
.fsBlockFlagByte                            = $03CA     block flag byte:
                                                          bit 0 set = *RUN only
                                                          bit 7 set = last block
.fsSpareByteA                               = $03CB     
.fsSpareByteB                               = $03CC     
.fsSpareByteC                               = $03CD     
.fsSpareByteD                               = $03CE     

.fsChecksumLow                              = $03CF     }
.fsChecksumHigh                             = $03D0     } checksum

.tapeSequentialAccessInterBlockGap          = $03D1     time between writing blocks (for
                                                        sequential access, BGET and BPUT)
                                                        to cassette (> 0) in tenths of a
.filenameToSearchFor                        = $03D2     zero terminated filename (11 bytes)
.nextBGETBlockLow                           = $03DD     
.nextBGETBlockHigh                          = $03DE     
.fsLastBlockReadFlagsCopy                   = $03DF     

§17. Keyboard Buffer ($03E0-$03FF).

.keyboardInputBuffer                        = $03E0     keyboard input buffer (32 bytes)

§18. Second Processor service points.

 These are addresses to access the Second Processor.


 The Tube interface gives access to a second processor and is partly implemented by the

 Initialising the DNFS ROM copies 1K of Tube Operating System service code into
 the current language workspace at $0400-$07FF. A call to .tubeCopyLanguageROMToSecondProcessor
 ($0400) calls into this Tube service code. It finds and copies code from an appropriate
 language ROM into the second processor and runs it there. The 6502 Second Processor shipped
 with HI-BASIC, a version of the BASIC ROM designed to run on the second processor at a high
 memory address range leaving more memory (44K) for BASIC programs on the second

 The regular standard 6502 processor is sometimes called the 'first', 'host' or I/O processor,
 as it has control over input and output devices like the keyboard and the display. The second
 processor is sometimes known as the 'parasite'.

 See NAUG Section 18.4, Page 330
.tubeCopyLanguageROMToSecondProcessor       = $0400     copy a language ROM code to the
                                                        second processor
.tubeCopyESCAPEFlagToSecondProcessor        = $0403     
.tubeTransferData                           = $0406     

§19. Sound Workspace ($0800-$083F).

.unused800                                  = $0800     [unused]
.unused801                                  = $0801     [unused]
.unused802                                  = $0802     [unused]
.unused803                                  = $0803     [unused]

.channel0Occupancy                          = $0804     }
.channel1Occupancy                          = $0805     } top bit set if a sound is playing
.channel2Occupancy                          = $0806     } on this channel, $00 otherwise
.channel3Occupancy                          = $0807     }

.channel0Volume                             = $0808     } current volume (loud to soft):
.channel1Volume                             = $0809     } SOUND
.channel2Volume                             = $080A     } volume  Value
.channel3Volume                             = $080B     } -15     $3F
                                                        } -14     $37
                                                        } -13     $2F
                                                        } -12     $27
                                                        } -11     $1F
                                                        } -10     $17
                                                        }  -9     $0F
                                                        }  -8     $07
                                                        }  -7     $FF
                                                        }  -6     $F7
                                                        }  -5     $EF
                                                        }  -4     $E7
                                                        }  -3     $DF
                                                        }  -2     $D7
                                                        }  -1     $CF
                                                        }   0     $C7

.channel0PhaseCounter                       = $080C     }
.channel1PhaseCounter                       = $080D     }
.channel2PhaseCounter                       = $080E     } phase counter for current
                                                        } amplitude envelope (which phase of
                                                        } 'ADSR' is current)
.channel3PhaseCounter                       = $080F     }

.channel0BasePitch                          = $0810     }
.channel1BasePitch                          = $0811     }
.channel2BasePitch                          = $0812     } base pitch (pitch at start of
                                                        } current pitch section)
.channel3BasePitch                          = $0813     }

.channel0Section                            = $0814     }
.channel1Section                            = $0815     }
.channel2Section                            = $0816     } current pitch section (0-2)
.channel3Section                            = $0817     }

.channel0SectionCountdownProgress           = $0818     }
.channel1SectionCountdownProgress           = $0819     }
.channel2SectionCountdownProgress           = $081A     } current countdown timer within
                                                        } pitch section
.channel3SectionCountdownProgress           = $081B     }

.channel0Duration                           = $081C     }
.channel1Duration                           = $081D     }
.channel2Duration                           = $081E     } remaining duration of current
                                                        } sound in 20ths of a second
.channel3Duration                           = $081F     }

.channel0Countdown20Hz                      = $0820     }
.channel1Countdown20Hz                      = $0821     }
.channel2Countdown20Hz                      = $0822     } Count from 5 to 0 to give a signal
                                                        } every 20th of a second
.channel3Countdown20Hz                      = $0823     }

.channel0EnvelopeOffset                     = $0824     }
.channel1EnvelopeOffset                     = $0825     }
.channel2EnvelopeOffset                     = $0826     } Offset from .envelopeBuffer of
                                                        } current
.channel3EnvelopeOffset                     = $0827     } envelope data (or $FF if no
                                                        } envelope in use)

.channel0StepCountdownProgress              = $0828     }
.channel1StepCountdownProgress              = $0829     }
.channel2StepCountdownProgress              = $082A     } Amplitude step countdown timer of
                                                        } current envelope
.channel3StepCountdownProgress              = $082B     }

.channel0SyncFlag                           = $082C     }
.channel1SyncFlag                           = $082D     }
.channel2SyncFlag                           = $082E     } synchronising flag of current
                                                        } envelope
.channel3SyncFlag                           = $082F     }

.channel0Pitch                              = $0830     }
.channel1Pitch                              = $0831     }
.channel2Pitch                              = $0832     } pitch of current envelope
.channel3Pitch                              = $0833     }

.channel0PitchOffset                        = $0834     }
.channel1PitchOffset                        = $0835     }
.channel2PitchOffset                        = $0836     } pitch offset (the actual current
                                                        } pitch = base pitch + pitch offset)
.channel3PitchOffset                        = $0837     }

.soundSyncCount                             = $0838     $FF if sync is clear
                                                        >$00 is the number of channels to
                                                        sync (The 'S' in the 'SOUND &HSFC'
.currentAmplitudeStep                       = $0839     
.targetAmplitude                            = $083A     
.numberOfSoundChannelsOnHold                = $083B     

.fractionalSemitones                        = $083C     when setting pitch, this is the
                                                        value 0-3 between semitones

The code to play a sound calculates the frequency from the input pitch
and from that calculates the bytes to send to the sound chip.
These three variables are used in those calculations (See .setPitchNotNoise).
.soundPitchLow                              = $083D     }
.soundPitchHigh                             = $083E     } pitch to frequency variables
.soundFractional                            = $083F     }

§20. Sound, Printer and Envelope Buffers ($0840-$08FF).

.soundChannel0Buffer                        = $0840     16 byte sound buffer
.soundChannel1Buffer                        = $0850     16 byte sound buffer
.soundChannel2Buffer                        = $0860     16 byte sound buffer
.soundChannel3Buffer                        = $0870     16 byte sound buffer
.printerBuffer                              = $0880     64 byte printer buffer

.envelopeBuffer                             = $08C0     64 byte buffer

§21. Tape and Speech Buffers ($0900-$0AFF).

.tapeOrRS423OutputBuffer                    = $0900     192 byte buffer
.speechBuffer                               = $09C0     64 byte buffer
.tapeOrRS423InputBuffer                     = $0A00     256 byte buffer

§22. Soft Key Definitions ($0B00-$0BFF).

 See .starKey.
.softKeyPage                                = $0B00     
.softKeysCurrentEndOffset                   = $0B10     offset from $0B01 to the first free
                                                        byte after all current soft key

§23. Soft Character Definitions ($0C00-$0CFF).

 Also known as 'soft fonts' which are stored in a 'font zone'. This is font zone zero.
 See .osbyte20EntryPoint
.softCharacterDefinitions                   = $0C00     soft character definitions
                                                        for characters 224-255

§24. NMI Routine ($0D00-$0D9E) and Extended Vector Space ($0D9F-$0DFF).

.nmiEntryPoint                              = $0D00     non maskable interrupt routine
.extendedVectorSpace                        = $0D9F     mechanism for changing vectors at
                                                        $200+2*n to point into a paged ROM.
                                                        pointer to table of 27 entries,
                                                        where each entry contains three
                                                          ROM address low
                                                          ROM address high
                                                          ROM number

§25. User Space ($0E00-$7FFF).

.initialOSHWM                               = $0E00     start of user memory (OSHWM / PAGE)
                                                        (before Paged ROMs and soft
                                                        character definitions take pages
                                                        for their own use)

§26. ROM Header Addresses.

 Paged ROMs are switched into the memory map at $8000-$BFFF. When the MOS wants to identify
 ROMs, it reads the first bytes from each ROM in turn, which is a header containing useful
 information about the ROM.

 See .selectROMLoop
.romStartAddress                            = $8000     
.romLanguageEntry                           = $8000     
.romServiceEntry                            = $8003     
.romTypeByte                                = $8006     
.romCopyrightOffsetPointer                  = $8007     
.romTitleString                             = $8009