The BBC Micro ROM Library
Identify your ROM.

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This page aspires to list, identify and supply all ROMs available for the BBC Micro and related computers. A green tick mark indicates a 'known good' ROM image. Search for: words, "phrases in quotes", -"exclude phrases", or a even a checksum. Additions and corrections are welcomed.

Brief Explainer: The BBC Micro has four sockets for 'sideways ROMs'. Expansion boards increase this number. One contains BBC BASIC by default, and another often holds a filing system such as ADFS.

ROM images are usually 16K as this is the size the BBC Micro understands. Smaller ROM images are routinely padded or duplicated to make the total length 16K. Larger products can be supplied on multiple 16K ROMs. A single ROM image larger than 16K needs additional hardware e.g. the Integraβ expansion board. The Operating System ROM has a separate dedicated socket, and is not a sideways ROM.

TobyLobster, Sep 2024 (Download all metadata)



Name Publisher/Developer Version Authors Year Size Checksums